
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Jesus was God in human form

I believe in God, but I'm confused about Jesus. Why is He so important? I know He was a great man, but why is He different from any other great person who ever lived?

Christ made God's forgiveness possible

I've lived a pretty rebellious life, but now I'm older and I'd give anything to be able to erase the past and know God has forgiven me. But I can't believe God will ever do that. He might forgive some people, but not someone who's done all the things I've done. Is there any hope for me?

Becoming an earthly king was not God's plan for Christ

Why didn't Jesus go ahead and let people make Him a king toward the end of His life, which many wanted to do? It seems to me that He could have done a lot of good if He'd gone ahead and let it happen.

Jesus sacrificed his life willingly for our sins

Why didn't Jesus flee once He knew His enemies were out to get Him, instead of openly appearing in public and almost daring them to arrest Him? This has always puzzled me.

Sometimes we must accept God's answer as "No"

For years I've begged and begged God to do something for me, but He never has. Maybe He's just tired of having me pester Him. Should I just quit trying, or what?

Encourage friend to consider a life of faith

I've tried to talk to a friend of mine about God and Jesus, but she's never shown any interest. I finally got up enough courage to ask her why, and she admitted it was because she doesn't want God to mess with her life. What can I say to her?

Keep reading the Bible and seeking to understand its message

I started reading the Bible a few weeks ago, but I got bogged down and finally put it aside. What was I doing wrong? Is the Bible just for a few special people who have spiritual insight?

Christ is the only real treasure

Is it wrong to be successful and make lots of money and have nice things? My parents were always poor, and I don't want to be like that if I can help it. But maybe God doesn't want us to be successful.

With God's help, you can rebuild your life after divorce

I thought getting divorced would make me happy and solve all my problems, but I was wrong. No one told me how hard it is to be a single mother. I hope you'll warn people not to think that divorce is the solution to all their problems, because it isn't.

Without God, there's little hope of rebuilding your life after prison

I've just been released from prison for about the fifth time. Every time, I've said I'd change and not fall back into my old ways, but I always do. What's wrong with me? I know you'll probably say I need God, and maybe I do, but what difference would that make?

Mix help for elderly father with compassion and love

My father is getting very forgetful, but he refuses to admit it or see a doctor. My sister and I especially worry because he still insists on driving, although he shouldn't be. How can you help someone who won't admit that they need help?

We should not be preoccupied with the sins of others

Our aunt takes great delight in criticizing others—and not just people she knows (probably including us), but also those she doesn't know (like politicians and celebrities). It gets tiresome listening to her, but what can we do? She's always been like this.