
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Seek God's Guidance as You Plan Your Future

I'm about to graduate from high school, and I'm tired of my parents and everybody bugging me about what I'm going to do next. I'm not interested in college or anything like that, but they keep pushing me to make up my mind. How can I get them off my back?

Living Together Without Marriage is Risky and Outside God's Plan

I want to get married, but my boyfriend says we need to live together to see if it's going to work out. He says all our friends do it, and I guess he's right, but I'm not sure I want to go down this road. What is your advice?

Ask God to Help You Be a Good Steward of Your Finances

I get turned off by preachers who constantly beg for money. Our church started a big building campaign a few months ago, and I'm tired of them asking for money. Jesus didn't beg people for money, did He?

The Bible Has Much to Say About Our Spending Habits

We had a great Christmas -- until the credit card bills began arriving. That was months ago, but I don't think we'll ever get them paid off. I guess this isn't a very spiritual question, but could you warn people about thoughtless spending? I wish someone had warned us.

To meditate effectively, focus on God's truth

My exercise instructor says we should learn to relax by emptying our minds of all thoughts, and then meditating on peace and calmness (or at least I think that's what she's saying). Does the Bible say anything about meditation?

Worship Shouldn't Simply Be a Spectator Sport

I get just as much out of watching a church service on television as I do actually going to one. Why should I go to all the trouble of getting dressed and fighting traffic and all that? To me, that's just a waste of time and energy.

What Place Should God Have in Your Life?

I went to church this Easter, and the pastor made a remark about people who are just Christmas-and-Easter Christians. He was probably trying to be funny, but I don't think he should've put people like me down or made us feel unwelcome, do you?

True Christians Seek to be More Like Christ

Several of my friends are active church types, but I can't see that it makes any difference in the way they live. How do you explain this? I don't think they're any better than I am.

You Can Find God Through Christ

I thought I could find God by studying the major religions, but I've only ended up confused. You'll probably tell me to look at Christianity, but I've never tried because there are so many different churches. Maybe God can't be found. Can you help?

See God's wisdom when facing problems

I don't think we have to look to God to find out how to deal with our problems. After all, hasn't He given us the ability to deal with them on our own? We just need to use our minds and approach our problems logically to find the answers.

Go to church prepared to meet Jesus!

I know I shouldn't be this way, but I just don't get anything out of church. About half way through the service, I'll often fall asleep, even with my wife poking me in the ribs. I'd probably quit going if I could. Any suggestions?

Be patient and loving toward 'difficult' people

What's the best way to deal with difficult people? I know my sister hasn't had a very easy life, but the main reason is because she's so hard to get along with. She's coming to visit us in a few weeks, and I honestly dread it.