
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Doctors and Nurses Serve God with Their Healing Skills

My cousin is getting older and has a lot of physical problems, but she refuses to go to a doctor because she says God will heal her if she just has enough faith. I'm concerned about her, but I don't know what to do. Is she right?

Ask God for the Faith to Look Beyond Tragic Miscarriage

I admit I'm angry at God, but I can't help it. My husband and I had looked forward very much to the birth of our first child (a son), but then I had a miscarriage and now all our dreams are shattered. Why did God do this to us?

God Has Given You Everything You Need to Strengthen Your Faith

I admit my faith is weak, but I know it would be strong if I could only see Jesus with my own eyes, even for just one minute. Why shouldn't I ask God to do this for me?

Don't Hide Your Identity as a Christian on Social Media

I've met a number of people through social media on my computer, but a couple of them deleted me recently when I mentioned I was a Christian. This hurt, because I enjoy meeting people this way. Would it be wrong for me not to say anything about my faith?

God Will, Indeed, Have Work for Us in Heaven

I've heard it said that heaven is a place of peace and rest, but others say we'll be busy in heaven because God will have work for us to do. Which is it? They can't both be right.

Fighting and Cursing God is Often Born of Selfishness

My uncle hated God and never wanted anything to do with God, right up to the moment he died. In fact, he died with a curse on his lips, if you can believe it. Why do some people (like my uncle) insist on gambling with their souls? It doesn't make sense.

Thinking Positive Thoughts Will Never Banish Evil

A friend of mine says there's no such thing as evil, and if we encounter something that we think is evil, all we have to do is to think positive thoughts and it will go away. Is she right?

Youth Could be Changed Forever by Mission Trip

By the time you get this, our church's young people will be on a mission trip, mainly doing a construction project for a church in a poor country. To be truthful, I'm not convinced trips like this do much good, since they only last a week or so. Am I wrong?

The Fight Against Debt is More Spiritual Than Financial

No one ever warned us about the dangers of debt, and after we got married we bought anything we wanted and simply put it on our credit cards. Now, we're up to our eyeballs in debt, and I don't see how we'll ever get out. Does the Bible say anything about debt?

Replace Jealousy With Love

My sister's husband is very successful, and I can't help but be jealous over all the nice things she has and the fun things they're able to do. Is it wrong for me to be jealous like this?

The Closer You Are to Christ, the Farther You are From Temptation

God must be very upset with me because I keep trying to be a good Christian, but I keep falling short. What's wrong with me? I thought Christians weren't supposed to sin.

God Can Help You Cope With Adversity

I've been going through some hard times recently, and a few weeks ago a friend urged me to turn to God and give my life to Jesus. Well, I went ahead and did this, but what happens now? Is He going to take away all my problems?