
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

With God by Your Side, You Needn't Be Lonely

I'm an old man now, and for me the worst part of getting old has been loneliness. My wife has passed away, none of our children live nearby, and when I go to church, almost no one talks to me. I don't have a question, but maybe you can encourage people to pay more attention to those who are older.

The Elderly Need Our Compassion

I work in a nursing home, and it really saddens me to see the way some of our patients never hear from their families or have anyone visit them. It's almost as if their families just wanted to get rid of them. Why are some people so thoughtless?

What Did Jesus Say About Hell and God's Judgment?

I don't believe in some kind of last judgment or hell. I think Christians just dreamed them up to scare people into believing the same way they do. Once this life is over, that's the end as far as I'm concerned.

Let People See Jesus Through You

We moved to a new town recently, and we seem to be the only family in our neighborhood that goes to church. Those I've talked with say they don't think it's important, and anyway they say they have better things to do on weekends. How should we react? We don't want to come across as conceited or holier-than-thou.

Past Sin Will Eventually Find You Out

Does God always discipline us when we do something wrong? We discipline our children when they misbehave, but it seems like God lets some people get by with their wrongdoing, and they never do pay for their sins.

The Best Advertisement for Christianity is You!

I want to be a good Christian, and I really do believe in Jesus. But when I get around some of my buddies I start acting like they do, instead of the way Jesus wants me to. Why am I so weak?

Salvation is Not a Reward for Good Works

I've been a member of my church for almost 50 years, but recently I've been thinking about death and heaven, and I wonder if I've been good enough. Is it too late to make up for lost time so I'll have a better chance of getting into heaven?

The Cross Saved Us From More Than Hell

I know you Christians talk a lot about being saved, but what do you think you're being saved from? The Christians I know seem to have just as many problems and failures as the rest of us.

Nothing in Heaven Will Compare to God's Glory

Where is heaven? Will our telescopes ever discover it, or is it too far away? I have a hard time imagining what heaven must be like, although I think about it a lot.

God Works Through Doctors to Bring Healing

My husband had successful open heart surgery a few months ago. We had lots of people praying for him, but later I discovered his doctor is an atheist and doesn't even believe in God. Who healed my husband: God, or the doctors?

Christ's Peace Can Replace False Guilt Over Loved One's Suicide

Our son took his life last year, after a long battle with depression, drugs and alcohol. We grieve for him, of course, but our real problem is that we're almost overwhelmed with guilt. What did we do wrong? How could we have been such bad parents? Will God ever forgive us?

Health Clinic for Poor Village Will Change Lives

Our church has been raising money to help build a health clinic in a village where some of our missionaries work. To be honest, though, do projects like this actually do any good? That country is very poor, and one little clinic isn't going to change anything.