
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

A couple of years ago, I had an affair. Have I committed the unpardonable sin?

A couple of years ago, I foolishly thought the grass was greener on the other side, and I had an affair with a man I met at work. It's over with, but now I'm terrified I might have gotten AIDS or some other disease. My husband doesn't know about this but it's really affecting our relationship. Have I committed the unpardonable sin? I'm so miserable.

Does the Bible say anything about obesity? I know I'm seriously overweight, but I don't seem to be making much progress.

Does the Bible say anything about obesity? I know I'm seriously overweight and my doctor is constantly after me to do something about it, but I don't seem to be making much progress. Maybe I'd take him more seriously if I really thought God wanted me to change.

What about people who abuse children, or cause wars, or persecute people? I can't imagine God loving them, can you?

I know you often say God loves everyone, but surely there must be some people He hates. What about people who abuse children, for example, or cause wars, or persecute people who believe in God? I can't imagine God loving them, can you?

A few months ago I had a stroke. Why did God do this to me?

I've always been a very busy person, with many church and community activities. But a few months ago I had a stroke, and now it looks like I'll never be able to resume them. Why did God do this to me? I'm having a real struggle over this question.

I'm in poor health (heart problems) and I'm very worried about dying. Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

I'm in poor health (heart problems) and know I could die at any time, but I get very upset whenever I think about it. I believe in Jesus and in heaven, but I love my family very much and can't stand the thought of being separated from them. Is it wrong for me to think this way?

I've tried to convince myself that God loves me, but I know I'm just kidding myself.

I know you say God loves us, and maybe it's true for some people, but I can't believe that about myself. I wish I knew God loved me, and I've even tried to convince myself He does, but I know I'm just kidding myself. What would you say to someone like me?

Once a person is a convinced atheist, is there any hope of becoming a believer again?

I grew up in a Christian home, but over the years I drifted away from it and don't believe in God at all now. My question is this: Once a person is a convinced atheist, is there any hope of becoming a believer again? I don't see how it's possible, but I'd be interested in your answer.

How can we teach our young son that it's wrong to lie?

How can we teach our young son that it's wrong to lie? I don't know why he seems to have such a problem with this (he's only 7), but just about the time we think he understands, we go through another episode. Our older son is never this way.

I'm ashamed at the way I got angry the other day, and I know I've let down the Lord.

I've always been a strong Christian and active in our church, but the other day I got very angry at someone at work and said some things I shouldn't have. I feel very ashamed of myself, but most of all I know I've let down the Lord. Is there any way for me to recover from this?

I've heard some Christians say that it won't be long before Jesus comes back, but how do they know?

I've heard some Christians say that it won't be long before Jesus comes back to earth, but how do they know? It's been over 2,000 years since He came the first time, so what makes them think it won't be another 2,000 years before He comes again?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose it means?

Our pastor quoted a verse the other day that says something about secret things belonging to God. What do you suppose that verse means? Maybe I shouldn't even be asking questions like this, but I've always been a very curious person.

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. Will I always be like this?

My husband died of a heart attack a year ago and I haven't felt close to God since then. God was very important to us as a family, but now it's as if God doesn't even exist. I've tried to pray and read my Bible, but nothing changes. Will I always be like this?