
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My parents are always getting after me because I'm in my mid-30s and haven't gotten married yet.

My parents are always getting after me because I'm in my mid-30s and haven't gotten married yet, and they think I should (I'm their only son). I hope to get married someday, but I'm a very busy person, and also I haven't found the right person yet. How can I get them to back off?

I've never had anything to do with God, but a few months ago I became a Christian. What do I do now?

I've never had anything to do with God, but a few months ago I became a Christian. What do I do now? I turned my life over to Jesus listening to a radio program, but I've never been a member of a church or anything.

We lost almost everything in Hurricane Katrina, and with Thanksgiving coming up I'm having a hard time being thankful.

I hope you won't think I'm trying to put you on the spot, but we lost almost everything in Hurricane Katrina, and with Thanksgiving coming up I'm having a hard time being thankful about much of anything. What would you say to someone like me?

What is Advent? Billy Graham responds

We moved last year and got involved in a new church that's more formal in its worship than our old church. Now they are preparing for what they call the "advent" season, and I'm too embarrassed to admit my ignorance and ask someone what it is. Maybe you can explain it to me.

My son has been in and out of prison most of his life, and he just gets angry whenever I try to help him or give him advice. What can I do?

My heart is broken because my son has been in and out of prison most of his life, and he just gets angry whenever I try to help him or give him advice. Where did I go wrong? I feel so guilty. I pray and pray for him, but I'm at my wit's end. What can I do?

How can any intelligent person take the Bible seriously?

How can any intelligent person take the Bible seriously? I guess it's great literature, but people then didn't have the scientific knowledge we have, and I can't see how anyone could base their life on a bunch of myths and legends.

Why is it so hard to be a Christian and do what's right?

Why is it so hard to be a Christian? I made a decision for Christ several years ago, but it's been an uphill battle ever since trying to keep my feet on the straight and narrow, and I can't say I've always won. Why is it so hard to do what's right?

I am 7 years old. Will God hear my prayers, or does He just hear my parents' prayers?

I am 7 years old. Will God hear my prayers, or does He just hear my parents' prayers? We always pray at the dinner table before we eat, but when it's my turn I'm afraid God won't hear me.

What exactly do you mean by a "commitment to Jesus"? Is it like getting married?

I started reading your column recently, and I've noticed that you often tell people they need to make a commitment to Jesus. What exactly do you mean? Is this kind of like getting married, or something like that?

Now that fall is here, I'm already dreading Christmas, although it's still months away.

Now that fall is here, I'm already dreading Christmas, although it's still months away. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but it's always such a stressful time. Do you have any suggestions for avoiding this?

I've prayed and prayed for God to forgive me [of past sins], but I feel just as guilty as ever.

For many years I managed to forget a lot of the bad stuff I did when I was young, but now I know I don't have much longer to live and it haunts me. I've prayed and prayed for God to forgive me, but I feel just as guilty as ever.

A friend of mine became a Christian a few months ago, and he's about to drive me crazy because he's always trying to convince me he's right.

A friend of mine became a Christian a few months ago, and he's about to drive me crazy because he's always trying to convince me he's right and getting me to become one also. I tell him he needs to back off and respect my privacy but so far it doesn't do any good. Maybe a word from you would make him more sensitive. He's giving religion a bad name.