
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Our daughter has just one semester left in college, and she doesn't have any idea what she's going to do after graduation. How can I help her?

Our daughter has just one semester left in college, and I can tell she's beginning to panic because she doesn't have any idea what she's going to do after graduation. She'll be home over the holidays, but how can I cheer her up and help her get over her anxiety?

If you could make just one New Year's resolution for the coming year, what would it be?

If you could make just one New Year's resolution for the coming year, what would it be? I used to make a long list of New Year's resolutions every year, but I only got discouraged because I never kept them so I've decided to concentrate on just one this year.

When we try to talk with our son about his problems he just gets angry and tells us to mind our own business. Is there anything we can do to help him?

Our son has had a lot of problems in his marriage, and recently he's been drinking far too much. He even got arrested the other day for drunk driving. But when we try to talk with him he just gets angry and tells us to mind our own business. Is there anything we can do to help him?

Is it true that Jesus said we will always have poverty in the world?

Is it true that Jesus said we will always have poverty in the world? What did He mean by that? Does this mean we shouldn't even try to help people who are poor? I thought Christians were supposed to help people in need.

I'm 10 years old and I want to believe in God, but how can I believe in something I can't see?

I'm 10 years old and I want to believe in God, but how can I believe in something I can't see?

My nephew was in a car accident and ended up with some serious disabilities. He's bitter and angry at God for doing this to him, and sometimes he even says he wishes he'd died.

I wish I could help my nephew. He was severely injured in a car accident a few years ago and ended up with some serious disabilities. But his real problem is his attitude. He's bitter and angry at God for doing this to him, and sometimes he even says he wishes he'd died.

I know scientists say the world might come to an end in a few billion years when the sun finally burns out or something, but is this what the Bible means when it talks about the end of the world?

I know scientists say the world might come to an end in a few billion years when the sun finally burns out or something, but is this what the Bible means when it talks about the end of the world?

My father has inoperable cancer and probably has less than a year to live. But when I try to talk with him about heaven and faith in Christ, he just laughs. I'm very concerned.

My father, who is in his 80s, has inoperable cancer and probably has less than a year to live. But when I try to talk with him about heaven and faith in Christ, he just laughs and says he'll take his chances. I'm very concerned, because he's never had any use for God.

How can we help our children understand that the real meaning of Christmas is not receiving presents?

Our children always get very excited about Christmas and what all they'll get for presents, and I know that's to be expected. But how can we help them understand the real meaning of Christmas?

Have you ever thought about doing fortunetelling?

I have a great interest in astrology and fortunetelling, and I think someone with your spiritual insight would be very good at predicting the future. You could help a lot of people by telling them what the future holds. Have you ever thought about doing this?

This has been a very bad year for me. Can you give me any hope for the future?

This has been a very bad year for me: a messy divorce, financial setbacks, sickness—you name it. I know I've made some wrong decisions, and I can't blame anyone but myself for most of what's happened, but can you give me any hope for the future?

I’m 12 years old, and I want to serve Jesus very much. But how can I?

I'm 12 years old, and I want to serve Jesus very much. But how can I? Almost no one in my school seems to care about God, and yet I know they need Him.