
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My divorce finally went through, and all my friends say I ought to be delighted since my ex-husband was very abusive and irresponsible. Instead, I find myself very depressed.

Our divorce finally went through a few months ago, and all my friends say I ought to be delighted since my ex-husband was very abusive and irresponsible. Instead, I find myself very depressed, which doesn't make any sense. Why do I feel this way?

I know you talk a lot about a loving God, but I just can't get over my fear that He'll punish me if I do anything wrong.

I admit I've always been afraid of God, even as a child. I know you talk a lot about a loving God, but I just can't get over my fear that He'll punish me if I do anything wrong. I'd like to think God loves me but I can't.

Recently, I read a book that said most of the world's problems have been caused by religion—problems like war, injustice, intolerance and so forth.

Recently, I read a book that said most of the world's problems have been caused by religion—problems like war, injustice, intolerance and so forth. The author went on to say that the only logical solution is to do away with religion and become atheists. How would you answer someone like this?

Why do some people always monopolize the conversation by talking about all of their problems?

Whenever our family gets together (like over the holidays), my cousin always monopolizes the conversation by talking about all her problems. It gets depressing just listening to her complain all the time. Why are some people like this? It sure gets on everyone's nerves.

Is it true that the Bible says a rich man can't go to heaven?

I've been very successful in business, and to be honest, this year has been an especially good one for me. But is it true that the Bible says a rich man can't go to heaven? I heard someone say that the other day, and I admit it's kind of upset me.

I grew up in a Christian family, so I know the difference between right and wrong, even if I don't do it. Does this make me even more guilty in God's eyes?

I suppose some people can claim ignorance for the immoral way they live, but I can't. I grew up in a Christian family and had a good church background, so I know the difference between right and wrong, even if I don't do it. Does this make me even more guilty in God's eyes?

Our daughter has just one semester left in college, and she doesn't have any idea what she's going to do after graduation. How can I help her?

Our daughter has just one semester left in college, and I can tell she's beginning to panic because she doesn't have any idea what she's going to do after graduation. She'll be home over the holidays, but how can I cheer her up and help her get over her anxiety?

If you could make just one New Year's resolution for the coming year, what would it be?

If you could make just one New Year's resolution for the coming year, what would it be? I used to make a long list of New Year's resolutions every year, but I only got discouraged because I never kept them so I've decided to concentrate on just one this year.

When we try to talk with our son about his problems he just gets angry and tells us to mind our own business. Is there anything we can do to help him?

Our son has had a lot of problems in his marriage, and recently he's been drinking far too much. He even got arrested the other day for drunk driving. But when we try to talk with him he just gets angry and tells us to mind our own business. Is there anything we can do to help him?

Is it true that Jesus said we will always have poverty in the world?

Is it true that Jesus said we will always have poverty in the world? What did He mean by that? Does this mean we shouldn't even try to help people who are poor? I thought Christians were supposed to help people in need.

I'm 10 years old and I want to believe in God, but how can I believe in something I can't see?

I'm 10 years old and I want to believe in God, but how can I believe in something I can't see?

My nephew was in a car accident and ended up with some serious disabilities. He's bitter and angry at God for doing this to him, and sometimes he even says he wishes he'd died.

I wish I could help my nephew. He was severely injured in a car accident a few years ago and ended up with some serious disabilities. But his real problem is his attitude. He's bitter and angry at God for doing this to him, and sometimes he even says he wishes he'd died.