
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

We really felt that God led us to open our home to a needy young woman. But she stole from us and then vanished. Did we misunderstand God?

A couple of months ago, we volunteered to open our home to a young woman who needed to get back on her feet after spending time in prison. We really felt God wanted us to do this but she got hold of our checkbook and stole a fair amount of money from us before vanishing. Did we misunderstand what God wanted us to do?

Are there any paintings from Jesus' time that show what He actually looked like?

Are there any paintings from Jesus' time that show what He actually looked like? Some of the pictures of Jesus that you see in books or other places make Him look kind of weak, I think, and I've always wondered if they were really accurate.

The world is governed by the laws of nature that can't be broken, and this doesn't leave room for miracles.

I don't have a hard time believing in God, but as a graduate student pursuing a career in science, I can't believe in miracles. The world is governed by the laws of nature that can't be broken, and this doesn't leave room for miracles.

It's up to me to get ahead in the world, and if I try hard enough I believe I can accomplish anything I want to with my life. I don't need God.

I don't see why I need God in my life. It's up to me to get ahead in the world, and if I try hard enough I believe I can accomplish anything I want to with my life. I don't need God; I just need more self-discipline.

Can you be a real Christian and still have doubts from time to time?

Can you be a real Christian and still have doubts from time to time? Sometimes my faith is very strong, but then I'll begin to wonder if I'm just fooling myself, and my doubts begin to take over.

My husband says I'm a perfectionist, but didn't Jesus tell us to be perfect?

Is it wrong to want to have everything just right around the house? My husband says I'm a perfectionist, and he says it drives him crazy when I start acting like this. I guess I am a bit obsessive about having a clean house and things like that—but didn't Jesus tell us to be perfect?

The kids I am teaching at church don't seem to take anything seriously, and I feel like I'm wasting my time. Am I wrong?

I've been teaching the junior high class in our church for two years now but I'm wondering if I should keep doing it. The kids don't seem to take anything seriously, and I feel like I'm wasting my time. Am I wrong?

Where Did God Come From? Billy Graham Answers

Where did God come from? Did God have a father and mother? My mommy said I ought to ask you, because you'd know the answer.

I'm always making promises to God about how I'll stop my bad habits and become a better person, but nothing ever seems to last.

Why can't I seem to change my life for the better? I'm always making promises to God about how I'll stop my bad habits and become a better person, but nothing ever seems to last. I've read dozens of books on self-improvement but so far they haven't helped much.

I am a policeman and a Christian, and I have to admit I get discouraged sometimes because it doesn't seem like I'm doing much good.

I am a policeman and a Christian, and I have to admit I get discouraged sometimes because it doesn't seem like I'm doing much good. The crime rate (especially drugs) is just as bad in our community as it was when I started 10 years ago. My wife says maybe I ought to do something else. Should I?

I've been seeing a counselor to try to understand myself. But when I told her that my faith is very important to me, she said I needed to forget God and face my problems on my own. Is she right?

I had a lot of problems when I was growing up, and recently I've been seeing a counselor to try to understand myself. But when I told her that my faith is very important to me, she said I needed to forget God and face my problems on my own. Is she right?

Did God know the human race was going to end up fighting and killing each other and so forth? If so, why did He bother to make us?

Did God know the human race was going to end up fighting and killing each other and so forth? If so, why did He bother to make us? Or why didn't He create us so we'd be perfect and wouldn't behave this way?