
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've gone about as far as I can go in my present job, and I'm tempted to change careers while I'm still young enough to do it. But how will I know if it's the right decision?

I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life, and I don't want to make a mistake. The problem is, I've gone about as far as I can go in my present job, and I'm tempted to change careers while I'm still young enough to do it. But how will I know if it's the right decision?

I'm really dreading Easter this year because it will be the first big holiday since my husband died.

I'm really dreading Easter this year because it will be the first big holiday since my husband died. My nephew has invited me to be with his family this year, but I don't want to go. I know Easter is supposed to be a happy time, but can you understand why it won't be for me?

I'm very concerned about all the reports I read about global warming and us poisoning the environment and things like that. Do you believe we are in danger of destroying the world?

I'm very concerned about all the reports I read about global warming and us poisoning the environment and things like that. Do you believe we are in danger of destroying the world because of these things?

Our parents are insisting my boyfriend and I wait until we get out of college before we get married, but we don't want to do this. Would it be wrong for us to get married secretly?

My boyfriend and I are in a dilemma because our parents are insisting we wait until we get out of college a year from now before we get married, but we don't want to do this. Would it be wrong for us to get married secretly?

Why are missionaries still needed? Can't we complete the task of spreading the Gospel to the whole world by using radio and television and the Internet?

Why are missionaries still needed? Can't we complete the task of spreading the Gospel to the whole world by using radio and television and the Internet? Hasn't God now given us the tools to complete the Great Commission?

I agree that we need to connect with God in order to have inner peace, but to me, God dwells within us, and looking within ourselves is the true path to inner peace.

I agree that we need to connect with God in order to have inner peace, but to me, God dwells within us, and looking within ourselves is the true path to inner peace. After all, didn't Jesus say God was within each one of us?

Why did Jesus allow people to put Him to death?

Why did Jesus allow people to put Him to death? It seems to me that He could have fled from His enemies and kept on living, but it almost sounds like He deliberately chose to die. And anyway as the Son of God He could have prevented it, couldn't He? I don't understand this.

How can you believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead and came back to life?

How can you believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead and came back to life? I hope this doesn't offend you, but this is such a fantastic claim that I just can't imagine how anyone could believe it.

I've always been fascinated by angels, but I have to admit I don't know much about them.

I've always been fascinated by angels, and I have lots of angel figurines around the house to protect me. But I admit I don't know much about them. When did God create the angels? Or have they always existed? How much influence do they have over our lives?

If I die with just one sin in my heart that I haven't confessed, will God refuse to let me into heaven?

If I die with just one sin in my heart that I haven't confessed, will God refuse to let me into heaven? I grew up thinking this, and the older I get the more I worry about it because I don't want to miss heaven.

Did you read the story about a man who claims to be God, and says he is the successor to Jesus? Could he be right?

Did you read the story about a man who claims to be God, and says he is the successor to Jesus? He seems to be very sincere about it, and he's managed to convince his followers also. Could he be right?

I think life as we know it will end and we'll be absorbed into God—kind of like a grain of salt being absorbed into the ocean. But my Christian friend says I'm wrong.

When I think of heaven I don't think of nice scenery or people worshiping God or things like that. I think life as we know it will end and we'll be absorbed into God—kind of like a grain of salt being absorbed into the ocean. But my Christian friend says I'm wrong. How can he be so sure?