
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Be Mindful of God, and Return His Love

I believe in God, but to be honest I don't think about Him very much. I suppose you'll say I shouldn't be like this, but what difference does it honestly make? I'm happy the way I am.

Only Jesus Can Make You a Better Person

I was rummaging through my desk the other day, and I ran across the list of New Year's resolutions that I'd made this year. I had to laugh, because I haven't kept a single one of them. Why do we have such a hard time becoming better?

Is Heaven Real?

How can we know if Heaven exists? Maybe it's just an idea people dreamed up so they'd have something to look forward to when they die. Or maybe we'll have to wait until we die to find out if there's anything afterward.

Only One Sin Is Unforgivable

How many sins can you list that God won't ever forgive? I worry about this, because I know I've not been a very good person, and some of the things I've done are probably on that list.

Jesus Is the Only True Path

I'm in prison, and I'm fed up with people here who claim they've gotten religion. They're just trying to impress the parole board and get out earlier. I suppose you'll say I need God, and maybe I do, but I don't want anything to do with phony religion.

How Can I Cope With My Grief?

My mother died recently after suffering for years with cancer. The hardest part has been having people tell me what a blessing it was that she died, since she'd suffered so much. Well, maybe so, but don't they realize how much I miss her? Hardly anyone ever expresses any concern for my loss.

How Do I Deal With My Parents' Divorce?

My parents got divorced several months ago, and I feel confused. I love them both, but they don't love each other and that makes it very hard for me, especially when they trash each other and try to get me on their side. How can I deal with this? I'm only 14.

Don't Underestimate the Power of Satan

Where did Satan come from? Has he always existed, like God has? And why didn't God do away with him once it became clear that he was always going to cause trouble? After all, God is stronger than the devil, isn't He?

Attend Church, Remain Faithful and Pray for the Lost

We visited Europe this summer, and we were shocked at how few people actually attend church there. It was inspiring to visit some of the great cathedrals, but it depressed us to see them almost empty on Sunday. Could the same thing happen over here?

Trust God's Plan for Your Life

You often say that the way we live is just as important as the words we speak, when we're trying to convince someone to follow Jesus. But I'm such a weak Christian that I can't imagine anyone wanting to be like me. How can God possibly use me?

Show Compassion to Your Atheist Friends and Family

Recently an atheist friend of mine was in a serious car accident, but escaped with only minor injuries. I'd hoped it would make him stop and think about God, but instead he only laughs and congratulates himself on his good luck. Why won't he admit that it was God who spared his life?

Show New Church Members Christ's Love

Recently a couple joined our church, and it's already obvious that they're going to be troublemakers. I even found out from a friend that they've been in other churches in our city, and have a reputation for stirring up trouble wherever they go. Why would anyone want to be like this?