
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Several weeks ago, a friend and I started going to what is supposed to be a Bible study, but we're not sure if we'll continue. We never really discuss what the Bible says, but mainly sit around sharing our personal problems and then praying about them. What should we do?

Several weeks ago, a friend and I started going to what is supposed to be a Bible study, but we're not sure if we'll continue. We never really discuss what the Bible says, but mainly sit around sharing our personal problems and then praying about them. What should we do?

My husband and I said we'd never remarry after one of us died. But I've been so lonely after his death last year that I'd give almost anything to find another husband. Would it be wrong for me to remarry, since I always said I wouldn't?

My husband and I said we'd never remarry after one of us died. But I've been so lonely after his death last year that I'd give almost anything to find another husband. Would it be wrong for me to remarry, since I always said I wouldn't?

I heard somewhere that you'll soon be celebrating your 90th birthday. My sincere congratulations and best wishes to you for such a long life! When is it, anyway? And what are your thoughts about living so long? Do you ever wish you could just go on to heaven?

I heard somewhere that you'll soon be celebrating your 90th birthday. My sincere congratulations and best wishes to you for such a long life! When is it, anyway? And what are your thoughts about living so long? Do you ever wish you could just go on to heaven?

I moved to a different part of the country last year, thinking it would make me forget my problems and bring me happiness, but it hasn't. Is God the answer? I've never thought about God much, but I need something.

I moved to a different part of the country last year, thinking it would make me forget my problems and bring me happiness, but it hasn't. Is God the answer? I've never thought about God much, but I need something.

Last week, the finest Christian I ever knew died after a long battle with cancer, but her sister (who doesn't have any faith) is as healthy as can be. How do you explain this? It has really shaken my faith.

Last week, the finest Christian I ever knew died after a long battle with cancer, but her sister (who doesn't have any faith) is as healthy as can be. How do you explain this? It has really shaken my faith.

Why do some people refuse to give in to God, no matter how hard things get for them? You'd think they'd realize they need God and turn to Him, but they don't. I have a cousin like this, and no matter what happens to him he simply won't admit he needs God. It doesn't make sense.

Why do some people refuse to give in to God, no matter how hard things get for them? You'd think they'd realize they need God and turn to Him, but they don't. I have a cousin like this, and no matter what happens to him he simply won't admit he needs God. It doesn't make sense.

People keep urging me to vote but I think it's just a waste of time. I care what happens to our country and all that, but I don't think one vote makes any difference. And anyway, Jesus never said anything about voting, did He?

People keep urging me to vote but I think it's just a waste of time. I care what happens to our country and all that, but I don't think one vote makes any difference. And anyway, Jesus never said anything about voting, did He?

I'm in prison for some things I'd rather not talk about, and last week I got to know a murderer here who said God had forgiven him for what he'd done. How does he know? After all, killing someone must be a very big sin in God's eyes.

I'm in prison for some things I'd rather not talk about, and last week I got to know a murderer here who said God had forgiven him for what he'd done. How does he know? After all, killing someone must be a very big sin in God's eyes.

I used to be a Christian, but I grew very tired of all the bickering in the church I was attending and I don't have any faith now. What would you say to someone like me? I'd like to believe in God but right now I don't.

I used to be a Christian, but I grew very tired of all the bickering in the church I was attending and I don't have any faith now. What would you say to someone like me? I'd like to believe in God but right now I don't.

How could John the Baptist have written the Gospel of John, when that same Gospel tells about his death? Maybe I shouldn't get bogged down with questions like this when I try to read my Bible, but I can't help it.

How could John the Baptist have written the Gospel of John, when that same Gospel tells about his death? Maybe I shouldn't get bogged down with questions like this when I try to read my Bible, but I can't help it.

I've never understood why Jesus, when He was on the cross, cried out and asked God why He had forsaken Him. If God turned His back on Jesus when He was dying, could He turn His back on us when the time comes for our death? This really worries me.

I've never understood why Jesus, when He was on the cross, cried out and asked God why He had forsaken Him. If God turned His back on Jesus when He was dying, could He turn His back on us when the time comes for our death? This really worries me.

My neighbor says she's given her life to Jesus and has been saved, but I don't understand what she thinks she's been saved from. I thought she had a pretty good life before she got religion, but I guess she decided she needed something else.

My neighbor says she's given her life to Jesus and has been saved, but I don't understand what she thinks she's been saved from. I thought she had a pretty good life before she got religion, but I guess she decided she needed something else.