
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My boyfriend says that if we truly love each other, then it's not wrong for us to have sex. I wasn't brought up this way, but I'm afraid he'll drop me if I keep telling him no. What should I do?

My boyfriend says that if we truly love each other, then it's not wrong for us to have sex. I wasn't brought up this way, but I'm afraid he'll drop me if I keep telling him no. What should I do?

I have a serious problem with buying things I can't afford or don't need. I guess I'm a compulsive shopper, and I just can't get it under control. My husband gets very upset when the credit card bills come in and says I just need more will power, but nothing seems to work. Can God help me?

I have a serious problem with buying things I can't afford or don't need. I guess I'm a compulsive shopper, and I just can't get it under control. My husband gets very upset when the credit card bills come in and says I just need more will power, but nothing seems to work. Can God help me?

Several months ago, you answered a question from someone with a mild learning disability who has a hard time reading their Bible. I have the same problem, but recently my niece gave me a set of CDs with the Bible in spoken or audio form. It's helped me greatly and maybe it would help this person also.

Several months ago, you answered a question from someone with a mild learning disability who has a hard time reading their Bible. I have the same problem, but recently my niece gave me a set of CDs with the Bible in spoken or audio form. It's helped me greatly and maybe it would help this person also.

My husband and I are upset because our church is talking about a campaign to raise an enormous amount of money for a new building. We think the old building is sufficient for our needs. The first Christians didn't even have church buildings, did they?

My husband and I are upset because our church is talking about a campaign to raise an enormous amount of money for a new building. We think the old building is sufficient for our needs. The first Christians didn't even have church buildings, did they?

Where did the devil come from? Or has he always been around? I have a hard time understanding why God even allowed the devil to come into existence, since the devil's whole purpose seems to be to oppose God.

Where did the devil come from? Or has he always been around? I have a hard time understanding why God even allowed the devil to come into existence, since the devil's whole purpose seems to be to oppose God.

Does God ever give up on some people? My brother and I grew up in the same Christian home and had the same opportunities to learn about God, but all his life he's rejected faith. Has he gone too far?

Does God ever give up on some people? My brother and I grew up in the same Christian home and had the same opportunities to learn about God, but all his life he's rejected faith. Has he gone too far?

What is the 'Advent season'? We've moved and are in a new church, and they've made several announcements recently about what they'll be doing during Advent season, but I'm not clear what they mean.

What is the "Advent season"? We've moved and are in a new church, and they've made several announcements recently about what they'll be doing during Advent season, but I'm not clear what they mean.

For many years my grandmother has read through her Bible once a year, and now she's trying to get me to do the same. I don't want to offend her, but how can I explain to her that I just don't have time for something like this? Maybe it was fine for her but it's not for me.

For many years my grandmother has read through her Bible once a year, and now she's trying to get me to do the same. I don't want to offend her, but how can I explain to her that I just don't have time for something like this? Maybe it was fine for her but it's not for me.

We moved to a new town several months ago and started going to a new church. We like it for the most part, but they spend a lot of time talking about foreign missions and we aren't used to this. Are foreign missions still necessary?

We moved to a new town several months ago and started going to a new church. We like it for the most part, but they spend a lot of time talking about foreign missions and we aren't used to this. Are foreign missions still necessary?

My wife and I have decided that when our family comes home for Thanksgiving this year, we're going to give each of them a piece of paper and ask them to list all the things for which they are thankful. What do you think about this? Or do you have another suggestion?

My wife and I have decided that when our family comes home for Thanksgiving this year, we're going to give each of them a piece of paper and ask them to list all the things for which they are thankful. What do you think about this? Or do you have another suggestion?

We had a major tragedy in our community recently when three teenagers were killed in a car accident. (It could have been prevented, but they were speeding and weren't wearing seat belts.) Since then, I've heard people say that God must've taken them home because their time to die had come, but how could that be, since the accident was their fault?

We had a major tragedy in our community recently when three teenagers were killed in a car accident. (It could have been prevented, but they were speeding and weren't wearing seat belts.) Since then, I've heard people say that God must've taken them home because their time to die had come, but how could that be, since the accident was their fault?

My friend (who doesn't believe in God or religion) tells me that if I really believe the Bible, then why don't I follow all the laws in the Old Testament? I do believe the Bible is God's Word, but am I doing something wrong by not following these laws?

My friend (who doesn't believe in God or religion) tells me that if I really believe the Bible, then why don't I follow all the laws in the Old Testament? I do believe the Bible is God's Word, but am I doing something wrong by not following these laws?