
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

Toward the end of last year we got dozens of letters from charities and religious organizations asking us for money. But with the economy so bad we decided not to give very much this year, because we might need the money if one of us loses our job. Were we wrong?

Toward the end of last year we got dozens of letters from charities and religious organizations asking us for money. But with the economy so bad we decided not to give very much this year, because we might need the money if one of us loses our job. Were we wrong?

We were discussing in our class at church who the worst person in the Bible was. Who would you nominate? Maybe it doesn't matter very much, but we've been surprised at how many bad people the Bible mentions.

We were discussing in our class at church who the worst person in the Bible was. Who would you nominate? Maybe it doesn't matter very much, but we've been surprised at how many bad people the Bible mentions.

I've never read the Bible very much, but I made a New Year's resolution to begin reading it every day, which I've done so far. But to be honest I'm already getting bogged down and don't think I can keep it up. Am I doing something wrong?

I've never read the Bible very much, but I made a New Year's resolution to begin reading it every day, which I've done so far. But to be honest I'm already getting bogged down and don't think I can keep it up. Am I doing something wrong?

My uncle never had anything to do with God, but on his deathbed his wife's pastor supposedly led him to Christ. Do you think God actually forgave him and allowed him into heaven, although he'd lived like the devil?

My uncle never had anything to do with God, but on his deathbed his wife's pastor supposedly led him to Christ. Do you think God actually forgave him and allowed him into heaven, although he'd lived like the devil?

I don't think it makes any difference what religion you follow, as long as you sincerely believe in some spiritual power higher than yourself. In my opinion, all religions end up in the same place; they just take different paths to get there.

I don't think it makes any difference what religion you follow, as long as you sincerely believe in some spiritual power higher than yourself. In my opinion, all religions end up in the same place; they just take different paths to get there.

I don't believe God would ever condemn anyone or send them to what you Christians call "hell." I believe God is perfect love, and He has an infinite capacity to overlook the sins we commit. Why do some preachers keep talking about hell?

I don't believe God would ever condemn anyone or send them to what you Christians call "hell." I believe God is perfect love, and He has an infinite capacity to overlook the sins we commit. Why do some preachers keep talking about hell?

I really want to serve God, but I don't know how. Just showing up at church doesn't seem like much, but what else should I be doing?

I really want to serve God, but I don't know how. Just showing up at church doesn't seem like much, but what else should I be doing?

Why should I believe in Jesus and give up my lifestyle right now, if God will forgive me anyway whenever I ask Him? Why not wait until I'm about ready to die? I like the way I'm living and I don't want to give it up, although I admit I'd like to go to heaven when I die.

Why should I believe in Jesus and give up my lifestyle right now, if God will forgive me anyway whenever I ask Him? Why not wait until I'm about ready to die? I like the way I'm living and I don't want to give it up, although I admit I'd like to go to heaven when I die.

When we forgive someone for something they've done to us, is that supposed to erase all the problems between us? I've truly forgiven a friend for the deep hurt she caused me, but I can't pretend it never happened or resume our friendship the way it once was. Am I wrong to feel this way?

When we forgive someone for something they've done to us, is that supposed to erase all the problems between us? I've truly forgiven a friend for the deep hurt she caused me, but I can't pretend it never happened or resume our friendship the way it once was. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I never knew my grandfather, but from what I hear he had no use for God, and lived a very immoral and selfish life. Someone told me that a person's bad behavior could bring a curse from God on his descendants, so they can't be saved. This terrifies me. Is it true?

I never knew my grandfather, but from what I hear he had no use for God, and lived a very immoral and selfish life. Someone told me that a person's bad behavior could bring a curse from God on his descendants, so they can't be saved. This terrifies me. Is it true?

The day after Mother died, one of my brothers went into her house and took her silver and fine china, leaving the rest of us with almost nothing. Later, he claimed Mother had said she wanted him to have them, although he had no proof. This was five years ago, and we've hardly spoken since. Why are people so greedy?

The day after Mother died, one of my brothers went into her house and took her silver and fine china, leaving the rest of us with almost nothing. Later, he claimed Mother had said she wanted him to have them, although he had no proof. This was five years ago, and we've hardly spoken since. Why are people so greedy?

Our mother (in her mid-80s) really shouldn't be driving now, but we don't know what to do. We know we ought to take her keys away but she's always been a very independent person, and we don't want to upset her. How should we handle this?

Our mother (in her mid-80s) really shouldn't be driving now, but we don't know what to do. We know we ought to take her keys away but she's always been a very independent person, and we don't want to upset her. How should we handle this?