
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I felt very close to God when I gave my life to Jesus about a year ago, but now I don't feel that way at all. In fact, I don't feel much of anything. Has God given up on me? This really concerns me.

I felt very close to God when I gave my life to Jesus about a year ago, but now I don't feel that way at all. In fact, I don't feel much of anything. Has God given up on me? This really concerns me.

How good do we have to be in order to get into heaven? I know we have to have faith in Jesus, and I do, but surely God won't let me into heaven unless I also try my best to be a good person, will He?

How good do we have to be in order to get into heaven? I know we have to have faith in Jesus, and I do, but surely God won't let me into heaven unless I also try my best to be a good person, will He?

My husband seems to be having a midlife crisis, and I'm so confused I don't know what to do. He's taken up with a woman almost half his age, and now he's announced he's leaving us and intends to marry her. What does God want me to do?

My husband seems to be having a midlife crisis, and I'm so confused I don't know what to do. He's taken up with a woman almost half his age, and now he's announced he's leaving us and intends to marry her. What does God want me to do?

Is it wrong for me to take my prayers from a book of prayers? I grew up in a church that does this, but a friend of mine says I ought to make up my own prayers. But how do I know I'll say the right thing if I do that?

Is it wrong for me to take my prayers from a book of prayers? I grew up in a church that does this, but a friend of mine says I ought to make up my own prayers. But how do I know I'll say the right thing if I do that?

I guess I'm like lots of people my age. When I was young, I really believed in Jesus, but then I hit my teens and all that went out the window. But now that I'm older I know I need God. Will He take me back, or is He fed up with me?

I guess I'm like lots of people my age. When I was young, I really believed in Jesus, but then I hit my teens and all that went out the window. But now that I'm older I know I need God. Will He take me back, or is He fed up with me?

Our mother always took us to church when we were young, but after our father left and our parents got a divorce, she became very bitter and stopped all that. She's gone now, but I'm wondering if the time has come for me to start taking my family to church. What do you think?

Our mother always took us to church when we were young, but after our father left and our parents got a divorce, she became very bitter and stopped all that. She's gone now, but I'm wondering if the time has come for me to start taking my family to church. What do you think?

I'm not what you'd call a Christian, and the reason is because I'm turned off by people who claim to be Christians but don't act like it. If you're a Christian it ought to make a difference in the way you live, shouldn't it?

I'm not what you'd call a Christian, and the reason is because I'm turned off by people who claim to be Christians but don't act like it. If you're a Christian it ought to make a difference in the way you live, shouldn't it?

I have no doubt about my uncle's faith, and he's one of the finest men I know. But he's a very shy person and never goes to church. He says he just doesn't like crowds, and gets all the spiritual nourishment he needs by watching church services on television. Is he wrong?

I have no doubt about my uncle's faith, and he's one of the finest men I know. But he's a very shy person and never goes to church. He says he just doesn't like crowds, and gets all the spiritual nourishment he needs by watching church services on television. Is he wrong?

I don't have any use for organized religion. I think you preachers are just in it for the money, and maybe for the power you think it gives you over other people. You'll never convince me religion is real.

I don't have any use for organized religion. I think you preachers are just in it for the money, and maybe for the power you think it gives you over other people. You'll never convince me religion is real.

Does God sometimes test our faith by letting hard times happen to us? If so, why does He do it? Doesn't He already know whether or not our faith is genuine?

Does God sometimes test our faith by letting hard times happen to us? If so, why does He do it? Doesn't He already know whether or not our faith is genuine?

A man I work with says he isn't concerned about missing out on heaven, because he believes that when he dies he'll get a second chance to believe in Jesus. In the meantime, he says he intends to keep living it up. Will we get a second chance after we die to believe in Jesus and be saved?

A man I work with says he isn't concerned about missing out on heaven, because he believes that when he dies he'll get a second chance to believe in Jesus. In the meantime, he says he intends to keep living it up. Will we get a second chance after we die to believe in Jesus and be saved?

I have a friend who claims that Jesus has already come back to earth, and only a few special people (including him) have been given the privilege of knowing about it. Could he be right? He is very convinced that he's right.

I have a friend who claims that Jesus has already come back to earth, and only a few special people (including him) have been given the privilege of knowing about it. Could he be right? He is very convinced that he's right.