
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I've always heard that prayer changes things, but if that's true I must not be praying right, because I still have the same old problems. Are people wrong who say that God always answers our prayers?

I've always heard that prayer changes things, but if that's true I must not be praying right, because I still have the same old problems. Are people wrong who say that God always answers our prayers?

I understand who Jesus was, and I don't have any trouble believing in God, but where does the Holy Spirit fit into things? Some of my Christian friends talk about the Holy Spirit a fair amount, but my church never did. Maybe you can help me.

I understand who Jesus was, and I don't have any trouble believing in God, but where does the Holy Spirit fit into things? Some of my Christian friends talk about the Holy Spirit a fair amount, but my church never did. Maybe you can help me.

We've had a lot of financial problems in the last year, and the worst part about it is that it's tearing our marriage apart. No matter what we talk about, it ends up in an argument about money and what we've done wrong. Maybe you have some suggestions on how we can get out of this, because I sure want to.

We've had a lot of financial problems in the last year, and the worst part about it is that it's tearing our marriage apart. No matter what we talk about, it ends up in an argument about money and what we've done wrong. Maybe you have some suggestions on how we can get out of this, because I sure want to.

My cousin believes that he can harness some of the universe's spiritual power by carrying a crystal around with him, and he has some other ideas I wonder about, like reincarnation. He says he isn't interested in traditional religion, so how can I talk with him about Jesus? Arguing with him doesn't seem to get anywhere.

My cousin believes that he can harness some of the universe's spiritual power by carrying a crystal around with him, and he has some other ideas I wonder about, like reincarnation. He says he isn't interested in traditional religion, so how can I talk with him about Jesus? Arguing with him doesn't seem to get anywhere.

I worry when I pray because I'm afraid I'm just being selfish and asking for something for the wrong reasons. How can I be sure my prayers won't be selfish and that God will hear me? I really do want to do the right thing.

I worry when I pray because I'm afraid I'm just being selfish and asking for something for the wrong reasons. How can I be sure my prayers won't be selfish and that God will hear me? I really do want to do the right thing.

My boyfriend and I are planning to get married in a few months, and I'd like to ask you a question. What difference does it make whether or not we get married in a church (which is what my mother wants)? A marriage performed by a judge is just as valid as one done by a minister, isn't it?

My boyfriend and I are planning to get married in a few months, and I'd like to ask you a question. What difference does it make whether or not we get married in a church (which is what my mother wants)? A marriage performed by a judge is just as valid as one done by a minister, isn't it?

I know we aren't supposed to speculate or make wild guesses about Jesus' return, but do you think the end of the world could come before long? There's so much evil in the world today that I wonder why God doesn't just get fed up and put an end to it.

I know we aren't supposed to speculate or make wild guesses about Jesus' return, but do you think the end of the world could come before long? There's so much evil in the world today that I wonder why God doesn't just get fed up and put an end to it.

My husband is a good man, but he doesn't want anything to do with the church or with God. I think his problem is that he grew up in a very strict religious home, and he's never gotten over his rebellion. How can I witness to him about Jesus, when he won't even talk about it?

My husband is a good man, but he doesn't want anything to do with the church or with God. I think his problem is that he grew up in a very strict religious home, and he's never gotten over his rebellion. How can I witness to him about Jesus, when he won't even talk about it?

Is it possible for us to be so good that we'll become perfect and never commit another sin? If so, I know I have a long way to go, because no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get there.

Is it possible for us to be so good that we'll become perfect and never commit another sin? If so, I know I have a long way to go, because no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get there.

How often should we ask God to forgive us? Should we ask Him every day? I know we're supposed to trust Jesus for our forgiveness, and I have, but I'm not perfect.

How often should we ask God to forgive us? Should we ask Him every day? I know we're supposed to trust Jesus for our forgiveness, and I have, but I'm not perfect.

Last week, my husband admitted that he's been unfaithful, and it's really crushed me. He says it's over and he wants to rebuild our marriage, but how can I possibly forgive him? Should I even try?

Last week, my husband admitted that he's been unfaithful, and it's really crushed me. He says it's over and he wants to rebuild our marriage, but how can I possibly forgive him? Should I even try?

I'm going with someone who isn't of my religion, and while we aren't serious enough for it to be an issue right now, I know it could be in the future. Would it be a sin for me to marry a husband who isn't of my faith?

I'm going with someone who isn't of my religion, and while we aren't serious enough for it to be an issue right now, I know it could be in the future. Would it be a sin for me to marry a husband who isn't of my faith?