
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why did God make us with so many defects? Why didn't He make us so we wouldn't sin and do bad things like make wars? It seems to me that if He'd done a better job of making us, we wouldn't have all these bad things, would we?

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why did God make us with so many defects? Why didn't He make us so we wouldn't sin and do bad things like make wars? It seems to me that if He'd done a better job of making us, we wouldn't have all these bad things, would we?

I have a bad back, and I just can't sit in one place for more than a few minutes. This means I've stopped going to church, but is God going to be angry at me because I stay at home now instead of attending church?

I have a bad back, and I just can't sit in one place for more than a few minutes. This means I've stopped going to church, but is God going to be angry at me because I stay at home now instead of attending church?

Why does atheism seem to be growing so much in recent years? I guess there have always been people around who didn't believe in God, but atheists seem to be in the public eye a lot more than they used to be.

Why does atheism seem to be growing so much in recent years? I guess there have always been people around who didn't believe in God, but atheists seem to be in the public eye a lot more than they used to be.

Our church has been going through some difficulties lately, and it suddenly struck me that our main problem is that we're all wrapped up in ourselves.

Our church has been going through some difficulties lately, and it suddenly struck me that our main problem is that we're all wrapped up in ourselves. But didn't Jesus want us to be focused on the needs of others?

Friends of mine say I ought to seek God's will for some decisions I've got to make, but why should I do that? I believe in God and all that, but I'm afraid He'll ask me to do something I don't want to do.

Friends of mine say I ought to seek God's will for some decisions I've got to make, but why should I do that? I believe in God and all that, but I'm afraid He'll ask me to do something I don't want to do.

My sister has always had an angry streak in her, but after our mother's will was read and I got more than she did, she really turned ugly.

My sister has always had an angry streak in her, but after our mother's will was read and I got more than she did, she really turned ugly. Now she's suing to have the will reversed. As a Christian, how should I respond? Should I just give in and give my sister everything she wants?

I stupidly passed on some gossip about a good friend of mine, never dreaming it would get back to her. But it did, and now our friendship is over. I apologized, but she won't accept it. Should I just forget her and go on?

I stupidly passed on some gossip about a good friend of mine, never dreaming it would get back to her. But it did, and now our friendship is over. I apologized, but she won't accept it. Should I just forget her and go on?

How can you help someone who doesn't want your help, and won't even admit they have a problem? My cousin is like this. His life is falling apart because he can't get along with people but he refuses to face it. What can I do?

How can you help someone who doesn't want your help, and won't even admit they have a problem? My cousin is like this. His life is falling apart because he can't get along with people but he refuses to face it. What can I do?

Do you think most people get out of life what they deserve to get? My old college roommate always lived on the wild side, and now his health has gone because of all his bad habits. When I saw him the other day, I couldn't help but wonder if he's only getting what he deserves.

Do you think most people get out of life what they deserve to get? My old college roommate always lived on the wild side, and now his health has gone because of all his bad habits. When I saw him the other day, I couldn't help but wonder if he's only getting what he deserves.

It's hard for me to admit this, but several years ago I got involved with a married woman and was responsible for breaking up her marriage. Our relationship didn't last, however, and now I'm wracked with guilt over what I did. Is there any way God can forgive me and I can start over?

It's hard for me to admit this, but several years ago I got involved with a married woman and was responsible for breaking up her marriage. Our relationship didn't last, however, and now I'm wracked with guilt over what I did. Is there any way God can forgive me and I can start over?

How can I be a good father? My own father walked out on us when I was about seven, and I have this terrible fear that I'm not going to be a very good father either. How can I prevent this?

How can I be a good father? My own father walked out on us when I was about seven, and I have this terrible fear that I'm not going to be a very good father either. How can I prevent this?

Can you give me even one good reason to go to church? The last church I went to was so full of bickering that I left it in disgust. As it is, I just stay home and watch a church service on TV every week. What's wrong with that?

Can you give me even one good reason to go to church? The last church I went to was so full of bickering that I left it in disgust. As it is, I just stay home and watch a church service on TV every week. What's wrong with that?