
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

What did Jesus mean when He said we shouldn't judge other people?

What did Jesus mean when He said we shouldn't judge other people? I've a hard time with this, because I'm a businessman, and if I didn't judge whether or not someone I was doing business with could be trusted, I'd be broke in a matter of months.

Did you read about those scientists who think they've uncovered the image of Jesus from what might have been His burial cloth?

Did you read about those scientists who think they've uncovered the image of Jesus from what might have been His burial cloth? Maybe now we'll know what He looked like. Or do we already know?

The only thing religion has done for the human race is cause war and conflict. How do you explain that, if religion is true?

I'm completing my first year in college, and I've given up my faith in God. The only thing religion has done for the human race is cause war and conflict. How do you explain that, if religion is true?

My father has terminal cancer, and I'm very worried about his spiritual condition. Should I say something to him?

My father has always been a very strong, independent person, and I think that's why he never felt any need for God or Jesus. But now he's got terminal cancer, and I'm very worried about his spiritual condition. Should I say something to him? I don't want to alienate him or make him mad.

My father says he feels bad over the way he treated us and wants to reconnect, but how do I know he's telling the truth?

My father called the other day for the first time in over 10 years. He says he feels bad over the way he treated us and wants to reconnect, but how do I know he's telling the truth? He's always been a very manipulative person. It's hard to forget how he walked out on Mom and left us on our own.

I don't want to offend you, but how can anyone believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again?

Once again, my wife dragged me to church on Easter this year. I don't want to offend you, but how can anyone believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again? I'm a doctor, and believe me -- once a person is dead, it's all over.

I admit we're mainly "Christmas and Easter" Christians, since those are the only days we go to church. But what's wrong with that?

I admit we're mainly 'Christmas and Easter' Christians, since those are the only days we go to church. But what's wrong with that? Weekends are the only free time we have, and God wouldn't want us to neglect time with family, would He?

We want to help, but how do we decide where we ought to give?

We get mail all the time from organizations asking for money, and we just get confused. We want to help, but how do we decide where we ought to give? We can't support everything and we know our little bit doesn't make much difference anyway.

Does God sometimes make a mistake and let things happen that really shouldn't have happened?

I often wonder why God allows bad things to happen—things like wars, and diseases that kill young children. Does God sometimes make a mistake and let things happen that really shouldn't have happened?

Does the Bible say anything about living a healthy lifestyle?

I'm very committed to making sure our family eats healthy foods and gets lots of exercise, but my husband says I'm overdoing it. Does the Bible say anything about living a healthy lifestyle?

I broke off from my fiance almost a year ago. Why do I find myself praying that God will bring us back together?

I broke off from my fiance almost a year ago because I realized he was a very angry and controlling person, demanding I do everything his way. He's moved on to someone else but why do I find myself praying that God will bring us back together? It doesn't make any sense.

Our daughter is a new Christian. She acts negatively toward us for not sharing her beliefs. Should Christians acts this way?

Our daughter came home from college at Christmas and told us she'd become a Christian there. We're not religious, however, and recently she's turned very negative toward us for not believing as she does. Is this the way Christians are supposed to act?