
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I don't see much of anything good happening in our country, do you?

My friend keeps sending me e-mails about what's happening in the world, and some of them are really scary. We seem to be headed downhill faster and faster -- economically, socially, morally, you name it. I don't see much of anything good happening in our country, do you?

I went into a shop the other day and the owner started talking with me about her beliefs, which I found fascinating.

I went into a shop the other day and the owner started talking with me about her beliefs, which I found fascinating. She says she has the ability to communicate with spirits from centuries ago, and she's into all sorts of other things of a mystical nature. I'm interested in spirituality. Could this be what I've been looking for?

What does it take to make a marriage last?

My wife and I have only been married a few years, and we love each other more than ever. But we read about people getting divorced after 20 or 30 years of marriage, and it worries us. What does it take to make a marriage last?

My husband retired a couple of years ago, and now all he does is worry about his health.

My husband retired a couple of years ago, and now all he does is worry about his health. He only has a few minor problems (like anyone his age) but all he can think about is how he might become disabled some day, and things like that. How can I change this? Or should I even try?

I know faith is important, but how much faith do you have to have in order to be saved and go to heaven when you die?

I know faith is important, but how much faith do you have to have in order to be saved and go to heaven when you die? I admit that sometimes I have a lot of faith, but other times my faith is pretty weak, and this worries me.

My boyfriend says the reason he uses drugs is because they make him feel close to God.

My boyfriend says the reason he uses drugs is because they make him feel close to God. Is this possible? I'm scared of drugs myself but it's kind of hard to argue with him when he claims it's what God wants him to do.

Why does the devil keep trying to win the battle between good and evil?

Why does the devil keep trying to win the battle between good and evil, when he must know that at the end of time he's not going to be the victor? God is going to win in the end, isn't He?

I know you've said that we'll never have world peace until Jesus comes again, but does that mean governments and diplomats shouldn't at least try to work toward a more peaceful world?

I know you've said that we'll never have world peace until Jesus comes again, but does that mean governments and diplomats shouldn't at least try to work toward a more peaceful world? Surely God wants us to work for peace, doesn't He?

I wish I could believe God will forgive me, but I can't.

I'm in prison because I got angry and killed someone, and I'm haunted by guilt. Someone told me that Jesus forgave a murderer once, but when I challenged him to prove it he couldn't find it in the Bible. I wish I could believe God will forgive me, but I can't.

Which is more important, your talk or your walk?

Which is more important, your talk or your walk? A friend of mine is constantly talking about what God has done for him, but his life certainly doesn't measure up to what a Christian ought to be.

A friend of mine claims to be interested in Christianity, but whenever I answer one of his questions, he just comes up with another question.

A friend of mine claims to be interested in Christianity, but whenever I answer one of his questions, he just comes up with another question. Do you think he's sincere, or am I wasting my time trying to talk to him about Jesus?

Our town has been shocked recently because of violence in our schools. It's gotten so bad they're putting police in the schools.

Our town has been shocked recently because of violence in our schools. It's gotten so bad they're putting police in the schools. These things didn't happen when I was growing up. What's happening to our young people? Is there any hope of reversing it?