
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

If I see someone doing something wrong, I usually let them know in no uncertain terms that I don't approve of it.

If I see someone doing something wrong, I usually let them know in no uncertain terms that I don't approve of it. My wife, however, says I shouldn't be so blunt, and says it's even ruined some of our friendships. She's probably right, but how do I change? It's just part of my personality.

Someone loaned me a book which says that if you strongly believe something good is going to happen to you, then it will.

Someone loaned me a book which says that if you strongly believe something good is going to happen to you, then it will. Do you agree with this? The book seems very spiritual and even quotes the Bible some, although the author doesn't really say anything about Jesus.

How old does a child have to be before they can understand who God is, and things like that?

How old does a child have to be before they can understand who God is, and things like that? My husband thinks we ought to start bringing our 3-year-old boy to church, but I don't see any use in it, frankly. But I'm open to changing my mind.

I don't think it does any good to pray for world peace or our leaders or things like that. What good has it done?

I don't think it does any good to pray for world peace or our leaders or things like that. What good has it done? We have so many problems that we'll never solve them all, and prayer isn't going to change that.

My friend is pushing me to go to a class with her that teaches some kind of meditation as the answer to stress.

My friend is pushing me to go to a class with her that teaches some kind of meditation as the answer to stress. I gather it helps you empty your mind of all thoughts, and that gives you inner peace. Is this the same as prayer?

Our pastor talked the other day about people with weak faith, and that about describes me.

Our pastor talked the other day about people with weak faith, and that about describes me. I believe in God and Jesus, but sometimes my faith is so weak and shaky. Am I just destined to be this way?

I'm tired of religious people constantly telling me what I can and can't do with my body.

I'm tired of religious people constantly telling me what I can and can't do with my body. I'm free to do whatever I want to with my body, and I'm not going to listen to anyone who says I can't do something because "it's immoral." I'll decide what's right for me.

I've just been elected to serve on our church board. Do you have any suggestions on how I can be a good leader?

I've just been elected to serve on our church board. To be honest, I'm kind of nervous about it because I've never done anything like this before. Do you have any suggestions on how I can be a good leader?

The doctor has put me on medicine for my anxiety, but I'm not sure it does much good.

The doctor has put me on medicine for my anxiety, but I'm not sure it does much good. My wife tells me to read the Bible and pray, and I do sometimes, but I can't see that it really helps, either. What am I missing? Am I wrong to take this drug?

I had to take early retirement because of my health, and now I feel so useless.

I had to take early retirement because of my health, and now I feel so useless. I suppose I'll never know why God let this happen to me, but sometimes I just wish my life would end. Why does God keep me around?

Some bad things happened to me when I was younger, and I got very angry at God because of them.

Some bad things happened to me when I was younger, and I got very angry at God because of them. Now, I know I need God, and I was wrong to blame Him for everything. But will He forgive me for being mad at Him? Maybe God doesn't want anything to do with me.

My husband died two years ago and is already in heaven, and I miss him so much.

My husband died two years ago and is already in heaven, and I miss him so much. I feel so lonely, and I yearn to be reunited with him. Besides that, my health isn't very good now. Is it wrong to want to die and go to heaven?