
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My friend says all I have to do to get God to forgive me is just ask Him to do it.

My friend says all I have to do to get God to forgive me is just ask Him to do it. Is this true? God probably doesn't like the way I'm living, but if He'll keep forgiving me as long as I remember to ask Him to, then I'll stop worrying about it.

I've gotten on a lot of mailing lists for religious organizations. I'm sure they all do good work, and I know they need money, but how do I decide which ones to give to?

I've gotten on a lot of mailing lists for religious organizations. I'm sure they all do good work, and I know they need money, but how do I decide which ones to give to? I feel badly that I can't give more.

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? I don't come from a religious background, but I gave my life to Jesus a few months ago.

Who or what is the Holy Spirit? I don't come from a religious background, but I gave my life to Jesus a few months ago. Do I need to get the Holy Spirit also? I don't want to miss heaven because I failed to get something I need.

My friend claims to be an atheist, and I don't know what to say to him. I am a Christian, but he bombards me with questions I can't answer and I feel stupid.

My friend claims to be an atheist, and I don't know what to say to him. I am a Christian, but he bombards me with questions I can't answer and I feel stupid. He really needs Jesus because his life is kind of messed up, but I'm afraid I'm not a very good witness. What can I do?

I apologize if this is a silly question, but why didn't Jesus wait until now to come to earth?

I apologize if this is a silly question, but why didn't Jesus wait until now to come to earth? It seems to me that with television, the Internet, Facebook and everything He could have made a much greater impact if He had come today.

Do I have to become a preacher or missionary in order to serve God?

Do I have to become a preacher or missionary in order to serve God? I'm in high school, and last year I gave my life to Jesus. I don't think I'm cut out to be a preacher, but I really want to serve God.

I know the Bible says we're supposed to fear God, but doesn't it also say we're supposed to love Him?

I know the Bible says we're supposed to fear God, but doesn't it also say we're supposed to love Him? How can you love someone that you also fear? This confuses me because it sounds like a contradiction.

Can the devil put ideas into our heads?

Can the devil put ideas into our heads? If he can, then how can we keep it from happening? And if he can't, then where do temptations come from?

My wife gets after me because she says I'm lazy and don't get things done around the house, but I don't see anything wrong with enjoying life once in a while.

My wife gets after me because she says I'm lazy and don't get things done around the house, but I don't see anything wrong with enjoying life once in a while. Maybe she's right, but I wish she'd see my point of view. Am I wrong to feel this way?

I admit I'm a worrier, but I just can't help it.

I admit I'm a worrier, but I just can't help it. I've always been this way, and no matter what people say to try to reassure me, I still worry about what might happen -- not just to me, but to everyone in my family. Are some people just natural worriers?

How can God forget our sins, which is what I understand the Bible says?

How can God forget our sins, which is what I understand the Bible says? I can understand that He might forgive us, but how can God forget anything, especially the bad things we've done?

I'm really upset because I asked my pastor for advice about a very personal problem, and a few weeks later I discovered he had told several people about it.

I'm really upset because I asked my pastor for advice about a very personal problem, and a few weeks later I discovered he had told several people about it. Wasn't this wrong?