
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I got out of drug rehab a few weeks ago, and already I've fallen back into my old ways.

I got out of drug rehab a few weeks ago, and already I've fallen back into my old ways. I knew this would happen. Now I'm afraid I'll never get free of drugs. Will God help me? I don't have much hope otherwise.

Why hasn't Jesus already returned?

I know that after His death and resurrection Jesus was taken up into heaven, and that some day He'll come back to rule over everything. But what is He doing in the meantime? And why hasn't He already returned?

Several years ago, my wife and I felt God was asking us to take foster children into our home. Maybe you can encourage others to do this.

Several years ago, my wife and I felt God was asking us to take foster children into our home. I can't say it's been easy, and sometimes we've failed, but on the other hand, we've seen God work in some of their lives, and that's made it worthwhile. Maybe you could encourage others to do this.

I always prayed I'd become wealthy so I could give lots of money to our church and to missionaries, but God hasn't let it happen.

I always prayed I'd become wealthy so I could give lots of money to our church and to missionaries, but God hasn't let it happen. Why do you think He's done this? Doesn't God need wealthy people to support His work?

Our son is enthused about participating in a mission project this coming summer with some other young people from our church. Do projects like this really do any good?

Our son is enthused about participating in a mission project this coming summer with some other young people from our church. It's in another country that's supposed to be fairly safe, but do projects like this really do any good? They'll only be there two weeks.

My husband died a few years ago, and recently I became friendly with a man who was just as lonely as I've been.

My husband died a few years ago, and recently I became friendly with a man who was just as lonely as I've been. I really thought our relationship was going to go somewhere, but now he's said he doesn't want to remarry. I've prayed and prayed for God to change his mind, but nothing happens. Why doesn't God hear my prayers?

My neighbor claims that God wants to bless us, and therefore if we just have enough faith He'll make us wealthy.

My neighbor claims that God wants to bless us, and therefore if we just have enough faith He'll make us wealthy. Is this what the Bible teaches? If so, I must not have much faith.

My parents fight all the time and are talking about getting a divorce.

My parents fight all the time and are talking about getting a divorce. Maybe if I moved in with one of my friends they'd stop. I'm so upset.

Why do some people refuse to have anything to do with God, no matter what happens to them?

Why do some people refuse to have anything to do with God, no matter what happens to them? My uncle has always been kind of wild, but when he almost died last year in a motorcycle crash he just laughed it off, and told me to mind my own business when I suggested God might be trying to speak to him.

I was adopted as a baby, and while I know my parents loved me, I've always had a deep yearning to hear my own father say he loves me also.

I was adopted as a baby, and while I know my parents loved me, I've always had a deep yearning to hear my own father say he loves me also. So far, however, my attempts to find him have failed. Why won't God let me find him?

Can the devil hear you when you pray out loud?

Can the devil hear you when you pray out loud? If so, maybe we should just pray silently, because then he wouldn't be able to step in and block our prayers. Maybe I shouldn't worry about this, but I do.

What's wrong with salting your speech with what people used to call bad language, as long as you aren't offending anyone?

What's wrong with salting your speech with what people used to call bad language, as long as you aren't offending anyone? My wife disagrees, but most people talk this way, so why worry about it? After all, I don't think the Bible says anything about this.