
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I'm afraid I've been a very poor Christian. In my heart, I know Jesus died for me, but often I don't act like I believe it.

I'm afraid I've been a very poor Christian. In my heart, I know Jesus died for me, but often I don't act like I believe it. I'm ashamed of all the times I've turned my back on Jesus. I feel very guilty and know I need to be forgiven, but how do I know He will? Maybe He's given up on me.

My life is falling apart. The doctor has discovered something that may be breast cancer, and I'm too scared to even get it confirmed.

My life is falling apart. The doctor has discovered something that may be breast cancer, and I'm too scared to even get it confirmed. I'm divorced with two children who depend on me, and I can't face this. Maybe you could pray for me.

Why didn't Jesus let people make Him a king?

Why didn't Jesus let people make Him a king? They obviously were expecting Him to become one, so why didn't He go ahead and let them do it? He could have had a powerful impact on the course of world history.

Some people came to our door the other day to talk about their religion. When I asked them a question, they answered by reading from their Bible, which is published by their group.

Some people came to our door the other day to talk about their religion. When I asked them a question, they answered by reading from their Bible, which is published by their group. They claimed it's the only reliable version of the Bible and all others are false. Are they right?

My family came here a generation ago from a country that has very few Christians. I'm interested in finding out more about Christianity, but my uncle says Christianity is just for white people. Is that true?

My family came here a generation ago from a country that has very few Christians. I'm interested in finding out more about Christianity, but my uncle says Christianity is just for white people. Is that true?

This year, I made a resolution to read through the entire Bible during the next 12 months.

This year, I made a resolution to read through the entire Bible during the next 12 months. So far, I'm on schedule (using a Bible that's divided into 365 sections), but sometimes I wonder if I'm getting as much out of it as I should. Do you have any suggestions?

I quit going to church because all they did was ask for money.

I quit going to church because all they did was ask for money. I guess churches need money like everyone else, but I don't think they should talk about it so much, do you?

I think you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say.

I think you can make the Bible say anything you want it to say. You could even use it to prove God doesn't exist if you wanted to, because doesn't it say somewhere that there is no God?

What makes some people turn against God, although they've been raised in a godly home and may even have professed faith in Jesus when they were young?

What makes some people turn against God, although they've been raised in a godly home and may even have professed faith in Jesus when they were young? My cousin is like this, and I don't know how to help him.

Do you think our nation is too far gone for God to do anything about it?

Do you think our nation is too far gone (both morally and spiritually) for God to do anything about it? I used to pray for revival but I've about given up because it looks so hopeless.

I know God wants me to make a big change in my life but I don't want to do it.

I know God wants me to make a big change in my life (it involves moving to a different city and a change of career) but I don't want to do it. Will God forgive me, or is He likely to punish me for disobeying Him? I really need to know.

I've given up on church.

I've given up on church. The last church I attended had so many divisions and conflicts in it that I vowed I'd never go to church again. I kind of miss it, but you can understand why I feel the way I do, can't you?