
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I don't understand my neighbor. Last year, her husband died, and then a few months ago, her pet poodle died. To be honest, she's more broken up over the dog's death than she is her husband's. Why is she reacting this way?

I don't understand my neighbor. Last year, her husband died, and then a few months ago, her pet poodle died. To be honest, she's more broken up over the dog's death than she is her husband's. Why is she reacting this way? Or maybe I'm just misreading the situation.

I have one goal in life, and that's to retire at the age of 50.

I have one goal in life, and that's to retire at the age of 50. A couple of my friends say this isn't a very good goal, but why not? I work hard right now, and I deserve to quit working whenever I want to.

How do you know whether or not your faith in God is true?

How do you know whether or not your faith in God is true? Maybe "God" is just an idea that people dreamed up because they couldn't make sense of the world otherwise. I wish I had your faith, but I have too many doubts.

I was with my grandfather when he died, and almost his last words were urging me to come back to God.

I was with my grandfather when he died, and almost his last words were urging me to come back to God. I left God behind almost 20 years ago, but I can't get my grandfather's words out of my mind. But would God even take me back?

Several months ago, I met someone on one of those Internet social media sites, and I really thought he cared about me and things might go somewhere.

Several months ago, I met someone on one of those Internet social media sites, and I really thought he cared about me and things might go somewhere. But when I tried to meet him in person he cut me off. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten into this, but where can I turn to find a true friend? I'm tired of being so lonely.

I know I do things that are probably wrong in God's eyes, but I can't say I feel particularly guilty about them.

I know I do things that are probably wrong in God's eyes, but I can't say I feel particularly guilty about them. Maybe they aren't really wrong after all. Is that possible? I hope so, because I like the way I'm living.

What are the main things the devil uses to attack people and try to get them off course?

What are the main things the devil uses to attack people and try to get them off course? I know temptation must be one of them, but are there others -- even some we might not think about?

People talk about having God's peace in their hearts, but does this mean that if you're a real Christian you'll never worry about anything?

People talk about having God's peace in their hearts, but does this mean that if you're a real Christian you'll never worry about anything? I must not be a very good Christian then, because I can't help but worry about everything.

Will we live in actual mansions or palaces in heaven?

Will we live in actual mansions or palaces in heaven? I think the Bible says that somewhere, but I'm not sure what it means.

Is There Any Difference Between Us and Animals? Billy Graham Answers

My friend and I are having a friendly argument about human nature. He's an atheist and says there isn't any difference between animals and us, while I say there is. But how can I prove it to him? He claims he has an open mind, but sometimes I wonder if I'm wasting my time.

I committed my life to Jesus at a high school retreat recently, but is there anything else I'm supposed to do?

I committed my life to Jesus at a high school retreat recently, but is there anything else I'm supposed to do? Our family isn't very religious and this is all new to me.

How do you get rid of thoughts that you know aren't pleasing to God?

How do you get rid of thoughts that you know aren't pleasing to God? I don't want to go into detail, but I really have a problem with letting my mind wander into things that I know are wrong. I've prayed about this, but God still doesn't take them away. Does He care about our thoughts?