
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My cousin has lots of personal problems, and whenever I see her she spends hours telling me about them.

My cousin has lots of personal problems, and whenever I see her she spends hours telling me about them. I've tried to advise her, but now I'm wondering if maybe she doesn't really want to solve her problems but just wants to be the center of attention. Is this possible?

I moved to a large city last year for a new job, and also I thought I'd meet lots of fun people and have a great social life.

I moved to a large city last year for a new job, and also I thought I'd meet lots of fun people and have a great social life. But it hasn't turned out that way, and I'm so lonely I can barely stand it. Did I make a mistake moving here?

We've been going through some hard times recently because my husband lost his job. Now, I'm afraid we didn't cut back like we should have, and we're up to our necks in debt.

We've been going through some hard times recently because my husband lost his job. Now, I'm afraid we didn't cut back like we should have, and we're up to our necks in debt. Could you please warn people about the danger of too much debt? I don't know what we're going to do.

My neighbor is going through a hard time right now because her husband has divorced her. I feel very helpless and don't know what to do.

My neighbor is going through a hard time right now because her husband has divorced her. I'd like to be an encouragement to her, but I feel very helpless and don't know what to do. Pray I'll say the right thing.

I've heard people say that we ought to try to be like Jesus, but how is that possible?

I've heard people say that we ought to try to be like Jesus, but how is that possible? After all, He was sinless, wasn't He? But we certainly aren't sinless, so how can we be like Him?

I usually don't have a hard time talking with people about almost anything, but I just can't seem to talk with my relatives about God.

I usually don't have a hard time talking with people about almost anything, but I just can't seem to talk with my relatives about God. I seem paralyzed when it comes to talking to them about my Saviour. Why is this?

Do you think the world is getting more and more hostile toward people who believe in God and in Jesus?

Do you think the world is getting more and more hostile toward people who believe in God and in Jesus? I see so many movements and people today that seem to be opposed to God. I even wonder if the Christian faith is going to survive.

Why didn't Jesus stay on earth after His resurrection, instead of going up into heaven?

Why didn't Jesus stay on earth after His resurrection, instead of going up into heaven? It seems to me He could have done a lot more good staying here, instead of leaving the world without God's presence.

Do you think our nation really learned anything from the attacks 10 years ago on 9/11?

Do you think our nation really learned anything from the attacks 10 years ago on 9/11? I thought then that they might make us turn to God, but I wonder now if we've slipped back into our old ways and decided we can get along without Him.

I've heard since I was a child that Jesus died so we could be forgiven. But surely there must have been another way for God to forgive us.

I've heard since I was a child that Jesus died so we could be forgiven. But surely there must have been another way for God to forgive us. For example, couldn't He have just declared that we were forgiven, the same way we forgive someone who's hurt us?

Where is Jesus right now?

Where is Jesus right now? I assume He's in heaven, but I didn't grow up in a religious family and I know I have a lot to learn.

I don't really want to go to college because I'm not a very good student, but I couldn't think of anything else to do.

By the time you get this I'll be in college, and to be honest I'm dreading it. I don't really want to go to college because I'm not a very good student, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. Maybe you could say a prayer for me.