
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I try to do good just because it's the best thing to do, both for me and for society. What do you think of that?

I think the only reason you Christians try to be good is because you're afraid God will punish you if you aren't good. Well, that doesn't wash with me since I'm an atheist. I try to do good just because it's the best thing to do, both for me and for society. What do you think of that?

I no longer believe the way I was brought up to believe by my parents.

I no longer believe the way I was brought up to believe by my parents. I'm in college now and it's time for me to choose my own path, although I know you probably don't agree.

I'm sure my cousin is sincere in his faith but he doesn't know how to deal with people, and he never has.

I'm sure my cousin is sincere in his faith but he doesn't know how to deal with people, and he never has. Sometimes he's very rude and insensitive, and I don't think he even realizes it. This isn't the way a Christian should act, is it?

How can I tell if God is telling me to do something, or if I'm just imagining it must be OK with God, but it isn't?

How can I tell if God is telling me to do something, or if I'm just imagining it must be OK with God, but it isn't? I want to do what's right, but sometimes I think God told me to do something, but later I realize He probably didn't.

What did Jesus mean when He said we have to become like a little child if we're going to follow Him?

What did Jesus mean when He said we have to become like a little child if we're going to follow Him? I'm a college professor and I don't like to think that I have to commit intellectual suicide if I become a Christian.

I grew up in a Christian home, but I've spent the last 10 years running from God.

I grew up in a Christian home, but I've spent the last 10 years running from God. I thought I'd be happy, but I know now I'm on a dead-end road. I guess I'm reaping what I've sown. Maybe it's too late. What do you think?

I've always enjoyed getting together with family for Thanksgiving, but to be honest, I'm dreading it this year.

I've always enjoyed getting together with family for Thanksgiving, but to be honest, I'm dreading it this year. It's been a tough year for me and I don't have any reason to be thankful. I'll put on a happy face and act like I'm glad we're together, but down inside I'll hate myself for being a hypocrite. Have you ever felt this way?

I don't think we should intrude on other people's privacy by trying to convert them to our beliefs.

I don't believe in talking with others about religion. They have their own beliefs, and anyway, my life is enough of a witness to my faith. I don't think we should intrude on other people's privacy by trying to convert them to our beliefs.

All my life I've been told that if I just try hard enough then I'll make it to heaven.

All my life I've been told that if I just try hard enough then I'll make it to heaven. But how can I know if I've been good enough? I'm too old now to do much more.

I fell several months ago and now am in a nursing home. I've always been healthy and never thought I'd end up like this.

I fell several months ago and now am in a nursing home. I've always been healthy and never thought I'd end up like this. I try not to be angry at God, but sometimes I am. What advice would you give me?

I'm 9 years old. Am I too young to give my life to Jesus?

I'm 9 years old. Am I too young to give my life to Jesus? We go to church, but I think my parents believe I'm not old enough to ask Jesus to come into my life, although I want to.

I went away to college a month ago, and I'm ashamed of the way I've been acting.

I went away to college a month ago, and I'm ashamed of the way I've been acting. I've done some things I vowed I'd never do, just giving in to the pressure of the crowd, I guess. God must be very disappointed in me, because I believe in Jesus and want to do what's right. How can I get back on the right path, or is it too late?