
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I think the idea of Satan is a myth, dreamed up by people who couldn't think of any other way to explain why evil exists.

I think the idea of Satan is a myth, dreamed up by people who couldn't think of any other way to explain why evil exists. We alone are responsible when we do bad things, and we can't blame some imaginary devil.

I want to receive the Holy Spirit, but no matter how much I pray, nothing seems to happen.

I want to receive the Holy Spirit, but no matter how much I pray, nothing seems to happen. Some people say I don't have the Spirit until He overcomes me and takes control of me, but so far it hasn't happened. Why won't God give me the Holy Spirit?

I don't like what's happening to me. I have a secret addiction to porn on the Internet, and no matter how many resolutions I make I just can't seem to quit.

I don't like what's happening to me. I have a secret addiction to porn on the Internet, and no matter how many resolutions I make I just can't seem to quit. Will God help me, or does He expect me to solve this on my own?

I don't know what's gone wrong, but my marriage seems to be headed for the rocks.

I don't know what's gone wrong, but my marriage seems to be headed for the rocks. We got along fine when we first got married, but now we bicker all the time, and my wife is talking about wanting out. Is our marriage finished?

I've just started my senior year in college, and suddenly I'm panicking over what I'll do when I graduate.

I've just started my senior year in college, and suddenly I'm panicking over what I'll do when I graduate. I've pushed it out of my mind the last three years, but I can't do that much longer. How can I find out what I'm supposed to do?

I prayed and prayed that my mother would be healed but she got steadily worse and finally died last month. Why did God turn a deaf ear to me?

I prayed and prayed that my mother would be healed but she got steadily worse and finally died last month. Why did God turn a deaf ear to me? My mother's faith never wavered but I can't say the same for me.

Usually I'm fairly even-tempered, but sometimes I get upset and before I know it I've let my anger get the best of me.

Usually I'm fairly even-tempered, but sometimes I get upset and before I know it I've let my anger get the best of me. Afterward, I get very upset at myself, but by then it's too late. How can I get this under control?

A friend of mine lost her husband to cancer about two years ago.

A friend of mine lost her husband to cancer about two years ago. They were a devout couple and she has no doubt that he's in heaven now. But she prays to him every day, asking him to be with her and watch over her, and things like that. Should she be doing this?

What was the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were told not to eat?

What was the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were told not to eat? Was it an apple, like I've heard people say? I like apples, but does this mean I ought to avoid them?

When Jesus came 2,000 years ago, why didn't He descend from heaven in glory and power, like He's going to do when He returns?

When Jesus came 2,000 years ago, why didn't He descend from heaven in glory and power, like He's going to do when He returns? Surely more people would have believed in Him if He'd done this, instead of being born in a stable.

Please give me some advice on how to prevent the Christmas blues.

Please give me some advice on how to prevent the Christmas blues. Every year, I get depressed because of all the work I have to do to get ready for Christmas, and I end up hating Christmas instead of celebrating it like I know we should.

I volunteer in an animal shelter, and I don't agree with those who say there's a big gap between humans and animals.

I volunteer in an animal shelter, and I don't agree with those who say there's a big gap between humans and animals. Animals have the same range of emotions we do -- fear, love, anger, and so forth. One of the worst things we can do is abuse animals, because they're just like us, and we're just like them.