
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

My friend claims he's a Christian because he says he went to an evangelistic meeting when he was a boy and signed a card saying he believed in Jesus.

My friend claims he's a Christian because he says he went to an evangelistic meeting when he was a boy and signed a card saying he believed in Jesus. But to be honest, there isn't anything "Christian" about his life. Is signing a card all it takes to become a Christian?

Is God responsible for everything that happens in the world?

Is God responsible for everything that happens in the world? I heard someone say the other day that God is in control of everything, but I wonder if it's really true because there seems to be so much evil in the world.

If I give my life to Jesus, will He take away all my problems?

If I give my life to Jesus, will He take away all my problems? It seems like every decision I've ever made has turned out wrong, and my cousin says it's because I've left God out of my life. She's probably right, but will God somehow reverse them?

I admit I have a problem with pride. I've been very successful in my business, but how should I deal with it?

I admit I have a problem with pride. I've been very successful in my business, but how should I deal with it? It would be wrong for me to pretend I'm a failure, wouldn't it?

Do we ever reach the point that God just gives up on us?

Do we ever reach the point that God just gives up on us? I think maybe that's what's happened to me, and I guess I can't blame God after the way I've ignored Him all these years.

I'm living in shock because I just ran across a letter in a suit of my husband's that I was taking to the cleaners, and it's clear he's been having an affair with his secretary.

I'm living in shock because I just ran across a letter in a suit of my husband's that I was taking to the cleaners, and it's clear he's been having an affair with his secretary. I guess I'm not surprised, but what should I do? Should I confront him or just move out?

My mother keeps trying to get me to give up the way I'm living right now, but why should I?

My mother keeps trying to get me to give up the way I'm living right now, but why should I? Maybe God doesn't like it, either, but if I confess my sins just before I die, He'll still forgive me and I'll make it into heaven anyway, won't I?

All that you preachers are interested in is money.

All that you preachers are interested in is money. The last time I went to church, that's all the preacher talked about, and if I turn on a religious program on television it's the same thing. I don't want anything to do with religion.

God has been very good to me, and I've seen Him do things in my life that can't be explained in any other way.

God has been very good to me, and I've seen Him do things in my life that can't be explained in any other way. Why, then, do I sometimes still have doubts? I don't understand myself.

We've had a lot of heartache over our daughter, who's now come home (after a year's absence) and told us she's pregnant.

We've had a lot of heartache over our daughter, who's now come home (after a year's absence) and told us she's pregnant. She doesn't even know who the father is. I've never been in favor of abortion, but maybe that's the best solution. What do you think?

I don't believe in life after death.

I don't believe in life after death. As far as I'm concerned this life is all we've got, and once it's over that's the end. We might as well enjoy life while we can, and stop kidding ourselves into thinking we'll be happier once we die.

Why do people call the day when Jesus was put to death "Good Friday"?

Why do people call the day when Jesus was put to death "Good Friday"? My son said he didn't think it ought to be called this, and I didn't know how to answer him.