
Read thoughtful responses to a wide assortment of questions from Billy Graham’s My Answer column and other resources.

I can't see that it does much good to pray for world peace or our national leaders or big things like that, which our pastor does every week.

I can't see that it does much good to pray for world peace or our national leaders or big things like that, which our pastor does every week. I do think it's good to pray about other things, however.

I believe in God, but I can't say that I think about Him very much. Why should I?

I believe in God, but I can't say that I think about Him very much. Why should I? After all, I'm not sure He thinks about me very much, either. If He did, I don't think I'd have so many problems.

I wish you'd say something about people who tear down other people and gossip about them.

I wish you'd say something about people who tear down other people and gossip about them. A couple of my cousins are like this, and yet they claim to be Christians. This seems wrong to me.

Why do evangelists always ask people to come forward at the end of a service?

Why do evangelists always ask people to come forward at the end of a service? I'd like to become a Christian, but do I have to wait until I can do it this way?

I know Christians are supposed to be happy, and I try to put on a happy face when I'm with other people.

I know Christians are supposed to be happy, and I try to put on a happy face when I'm with other people. But down inside, I admit I'm not a very happy person, and I don't understand why. God must be very disappointed in me.

My wife keeps getting after me because of my weight, but I'm happy the way I am and I just wish she'd get off my back.

My wife keeps getting after me because of my weight, but I'm happy the way I am and I just wish she'd get off my back. She says God doesn't want me this way, but when I challenged her to show me where the Bible talks about this, she couldn't do it. Can you?

How bad does a sin have to be before God won't forgive it?

How bad does a sin have to be before God won't forgive it? I admit this worries me, because I used to be a Christian, but somehow I drifted away from it and I know I'm not living the way I should.

My cousin took us to her church when we visited her a few weeks ago, and the preacher said something about people today being just as idolatrous as people in ancient times.

My cousin took us to her church when we visited her a few weeks ago, and the preacher said something about people today being just as idolatrous as people in ancient times. What do you suppose he meant by that, since we don't worship idols like they did?

I'm in college, and my roommate is from a country that isn't Christian. In fact, it sounds like it might be against the law there for someone to become a Christian.

I'm in college, and my roommate is from a country that isn't Christian. In fact, it sounds like it might be against the law there for someone to become a Christian. Should I try to tell her about Jesus?

If God is a God of love, then I don't see how He could send anyone to hell.

If God is a God of love, then I don't see how He could send anyone to hell. I think hell is just something church leaders dreamed up centuries ago so people would be afraid to turn their backs on religion.

I'm confused about the Holy Spirit. How do you get it?

I'm confused about the Holy Spirit. How do you get it? What is the Holy Spirit anyway? A friend of mine is always talking about it, but I guess I don't really understand what he's saying.

I've decided that going to church is just too big a hassle, so now I stay at home and watch the service from one of our local churches on television. What's wrong with that?

I've decided that going to church is just too big a hassle, so now I stay at home and watch the service from one of our local churches on television. What's wrong with that?