Franklin Graham: Standing strong for Christ
In this day when the immoral pressures of our decadent culture are growing stronger and more belligerent by the moment, it’s encouraging to see those who are standing strong in Christ.
In this day when the immoral pressures of our decadent culture are growing stronger and more belligerent by the moment, it’s encouraging to see those who are standing strong in Christ.
A rising chorus is opposing transgender ideology in athletics and school settings
Christian colleges and universities face intensifying pressure to accommodate the LGBTQ agenda.
Oral Roberts University head basketball coach strives to minister well—on and off the court
The consequences of a godless educational system
Psalm 91:6-7 says, “Do not dread the disease that stalks in the darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.”
Make the choice to be true to your convictions, live out your commitment to the Truth, and experience the blessing of putting a hole in the darkness.
If the Word of God is heeded, the Christian battle will be fought both with love and with faithfulness.
A poem from Ruth Bell Graham