‘I’m not going to be on my own anymore’
God worked through Will Graham’s Celebration of Hope on Prince Edward Island to change lives for eternity.
God worked through Will Graham’s Celebration of Hope on Prince Edward Island to change lives for eternity.
Regardless of how evil the culture has become, believers need to shine light into a world that rejects and refuses to acknowledge God.
He traveled with Mr. Graham for six decades, photographing him with everybody from presidents and kings to survivors of natural disasters.
Franklin Graham shared Good News with Norwegians at the Håpets (Hope) Festival in Oslo, Norway.
From attacks on Christians to questioning the term “pregnant woman," here's a glimpse at some of the latest news around the globe.
If God is sovereign, then why does Satan still exist? John Piper shares his insight about the serpent and how he will eventually be overcome.
In a message from Billy Graham's 1949 landmark Los Angeles Campaign, he explains why our need for God is the same today as it was during Bible times.