Facing Death
On their third date, over a chocolate ice cream soda in Denver, Colo., Danny Lotz told Anne Graham he was in love with her. The couple married in September 1966. Danny passed away Aug. 19.
On their third date, over a chocolate ice cream soda in Denver, Colo., Danny Lotz told Anne Graham he was in love with her. The couple married in September 1966. Danny passed away Aug. 19.
As believers, we are being watched. And as we respond to the government, our family and fellow believers, we are to be tenderhearted, loving and non-retaliatory.
When a trustworthy companion is maligned or accused, the truth must be defended.
As the Apostle Paul wrote, when we die, we who belong to God are “absent from the body” and “at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). But is that all there is? Just live this life as we please, then simply enjoy Heaven and live happily ever after?
He gives us wisdom as we read His word, pray and seek counsel.
How do you meditate? Here are some practical ways to fix your attention on God.
Why is it that many of the people who tell others to “go to hell” turn around and tell pollsters they don't really believe hell exists?
Three communities welcoming Will Graham evangelistic event.