Your gift of $50 helps equip a couple to attend one of the retreats.
Your Christmas gifts will support and encourage law enforcement officials and their spouses through the Canadian Law Enforcement Appreciation Retreats.
18 years in law enforcement wreaked havoc on his life.
From surviving an attempted shooting to struggling in his marriage with Sarah,* Trevor needed help—and he found it at our Canadian Law Enforcement Appreciation Retreat.
The two days of teaching, prayer, worship, and connecting with other Christian law enforcement couples helped bring hope back into the couple’s life.
Amid the stress and trauma of policing, “This retreat is a safe place for us,” Sarah shared.
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy.
Your gift of $50 helps equip a couple to attend one of the retreats.
A gift of $300 will cover all the registration costs for a couple.
Or give a custom amount.
Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Select a suggested amount below or customize your donation.
Your gift today reaches Canada and the world with the
Good News of Jesus Christ!
"Continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel."