Ten-year-old Rachel* wrote her father’s name on a small, white card and walked it to the front of the church. With the Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour with Will Graham coming in October, this is who Rachel is praying for.
Rachel attended a Look Up Tour praise and worship night with her mom and sister in Vernon, British Columbia, this summer. She joined believers from across the region to pray for friends, family, and neighbors who need to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Many, like Rachel, wrote the first names of their loved ones on cards for prayer.
Believers in the Okanagan have already written more than 2,000 names.
As Rachel returned to her seat, she huddled with her mom and sister and prayed. They prayed for Rachel’s father, who is separated from them and has struggled with a drug addiction.
It’s a story many families can relate to in the Okanagan. Yet, Rachel and her mom are trusting in Christ’s power to heal their family and bring new life to her dad.
Pastor and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association trainer Chad Miller taught about sharing your faith story at the prayer night. “I really liked what he prayed at the end,” Rachel said, “‘Lord, open a door. Lord, open their heart. Lord, open my mouth.’”
As the Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour approaches, will you join the believers there as they pray this prayer and invite thousands to hear the Gospel?
Rachel’s mom, Sarah,* has already started inviting many people to hear Will Graham preach the Good News. “I’m praying for my family,” she said. “I can’t wait for October.”
*Name and photo changed to protect privacy.

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