PHOTOS: Will Graham arrives in Rankin Inlet

Will Graham kicks off his Canadian tour today with the Rankin Inlet Celebration of Hope in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, a small, remote town known as the “gateway to the north”.

4 ways you can pray for the Rankin Inlet Celebration of Hope:

  • For Will Graham’s message to touch people’s hearts
  • That people will be courageous to invite unsaved friends and family
  • Unity for the church, staff, volunteers, and guests who are coming together for the Celebration
  • That new believers who accept Christ will be welcomed in the church community and become disciples of Christ

Canadian worship band The Color will be performing at the Celebration of Hope.

More Photos:

>> Celebration of Hope comes to Nunavut
>> To the ends of the earth: Will Graham shares the Gospel in Rankin Inlet
>> Final night of Will Graham Celebration brings new beginning for Rankin Inlet