Today, the nation is in a difficult place. While some struggle for answers and plead for justice and equality, others wonder what they could do to make a difference, if anything.
In her latest podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch admits it’s not easy navigating how to respond at a time like this. But a response is necessary.
“Conversations about racism and social justice are important for Christians and all Americans to have right now because we’ve seen pain and outrage,” she explained. “There are good people of all races who rightfully want justice and who rightfully want change.”
Cissie offered some practical ways people can do their part when it comes to race relations. >> Listen to the entire podcast.
Turn to God’s Word
Noting her grandfather Billy Graham’s friendship with Martin Luther King, Jr., Cissie was reminded of how God’s Word can bring both wisdom and common ground.
“As we as a nation try to move forward … we have to turn to God’s Word,” she said. “As Christians, we know that He’s the giver of knowledge and wisdom.
“We cannot possibly help bring healing to a nation on our own.”
There’s also the challenge of loving your enemy as the Bible instructs in Matthew 5:44.
“Recognize who your enemy is,” Cissie said. “Is it someone of a different race? Is it someone of a different religion? … Is it your neighbor, or is it a family member or a colleague that you have disagreement with?
“Whoever that is in your own personal life … pray for them.
“When you love and pray for your enemy as [God] commands, He will work mightily in your heart [and] put healing in your heart towards that person.”
Start with Your Circle
If you’re struggling with where to start when it comes to having crucial conversations about race and equality, Cissie recommends asking God where you can have the most influence.
For her, this means starting at home.
>> Listen to Cissie talk about the lessons she’s teaching her children during these tense times.
“I believe it’s in our own circles of influence with our kids, our grandchildren, our students if you’re a teacher, or whoever—we need to teach the value of every human life. Each life has value, and it’s how we treat one another that we set those examples.
“God will put opportunities in our own circle, and it’s up to us to make those decisions to do what is right,” she added.
Though we live in a time where prayer is often mocked or downplayed, Cissie urges Christians to view prayer as the most important tool they have.
“With the nation’s tension and unrest over this horrible act that we saw in Minnesota, we are once again on our knees as a nation asking the Lord ‘How can we glorify You, Lord? Lord, what can we do in the midst of this? How would You use me amongst all this emotion and chaos going on? Lord, how do I show Your love? What can I do? What can I give? Where can I serve?’
“He will show you, and He will put opportunities before you.”
Make the Choice
Cissie says it’s clear racism is still deeply rooted in the hearts of many today. And it’s ultimately up to each person to decide whether to be part of making changes for the better.
“For healing for this country and healing in the individual hearts, it will be a choice,” she explained.
“We can choose to love one another, or we can choose to hate one another. We can choose to forgive, or we can choose to let the bitterness take root in our heart.
“We can choose to teach our children to love one another, to respect one another, to serve one another. We can choose to teach our children … Jesus died for all men [and that] no matter the color of our skin—we were all created equal.”
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