“Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven…”
—Luke 6:22-23
For two years, a Gospel-focused tour across the United Kingdom has been in the works. Just recently, several venues contracted to host these events have pulled out, citing Franklin Graham’s long-held Biblical views as incompatible with their inclusive communities.
“My message to all people is that they can be forgiven and they can have a right relationship with God. That’s Good News,” Franklin Graham said. “I’m not coming to the U.K. to speak against anybody, I’m coming to speak for everybody. The Gospel is inclusive. I’m not coming out of hate, I’m coming out of love.”
In the midst of protests and criticism, there’s also good news and words of support coming from local believers as well as the media.
More than 1,800 U.K. churches are cooperating with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ within their cities. Many have been praying fervently over the tour, and some have expressed their support via social media:
Praying for the great people of the UK. May the Holy Spirit sweep across their land and touch the hearts and souls of the lost, the seekers, the unbelievers, the confused and those who have never heard of Jesus. Be with the BGEA and Reverend Franklin Graham, as they prepare for these heart-changing events. Praying that thousands attend in each city and that their newfound love for Jesus—the Savior of the world—is contagious. Let thy will be done, Lord, in the UK. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray.
—Linda Liverett
I will add this to my prayer list. I pray for Franklin every day.
—Midge Douglas
Let’s pray in Jesus’ name! Europe needs this tour so much, that’s why the devil is fighting against it. In the name of Jesus, I believe Jesus Christ goes forward and opens the way for Pastor Franklin Graham.
—Maria Aragão
God will prevail. He is good, all the time.
—Tina Fields Lowe
Everyone, please pray for Franklin Graham and his scheduled meetings in the United Kingdom as some are now against him coming! People everywhere need Jesus before they reach the end of their lives!
—Charles Fortenberry
I want to remind Christians to use the authority of the believer that will overcome the stronghold in this city.
—Diane MacDonald Geraci
We pray that the message of the Cross will continue to draw millions in the UK! Nothing is impossible for our God! Lord, open the doors that need to be opened!
—Barbara Buchanan
I join with the family of God in prayer. May the forces of evil be driven back and may the Word of God go forth in the UK to bring in the harvest before the great and terrible day of the Lord. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ I stand against satanic forces in the dark realms of spiritual wickedness in high places. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. Our God is the great I AM and His will be done to rescue the perishing and release the captives and save to the uttermost. In the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ, amen and amen.
—Jule Nichols
I’m praying that God will provide the right venues and that the truth will be heard and many will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. I’m praying protection and blessing on Mr. Graham and the team as they prepare and come to the UK.
—Timothy Davies
Praying doors and hearts open to the Word of God! May God bless and give safe travels to Franklin and his staff.
—Kary Phyllis Eubanks
I will be there. I will be praying for protection and that many souls will be brought to Christ.
—Kathryn Mellor
We rally together to pray!!! Prayer changes things!
—Dian Riggars
Praying for God’s intervention throughout the United Kingdom and that the Holy Spirit can shake up the hearts, minds and souls of the people so God’s word will come alive within each and every person. Thank you God for your miraculous works through Jesus Christ and thank you Franklin Graham and your team for your enthusiasm and love of mankind to further God’s kingdom. Amen.
—Betsy Gurley McPhee
I’ve been following this news and I’m greatly disappointed in the venues. Freedom of speech used to be just that. Freedom. Now it’s freedom of speech as long as certain people agree with you. The unfiltered word of God doesn’t sit well with people who love their sin.
—Kathryn Mellor
Obviously God has amazing plans for this land! The enemy is lashing out against Biblical values, which this nation has held for centuries. Don’t stop coming Franklin Graham! We all need this river of God’s revival running through our land again! Praise God for you!
—Janet Birchall
I am asking churches and people to pray to break down this worrying opposition. Thank you for wanting to come to the UK. I am believing in faith that God will break down strongholds and provide a way.
—Bridget Catterall
Lord Jesus please open doors for the gospel to be heard through Franklin Graham. Amen!
—Ralph Gregory
Franklin, you are always welcome here in the United Kingdom. Please don’t not come! We want you here.
—David Sax
I pray for the softening of hearts of all opposing the crusade of Rev. Franklin Graham that minds will change and all who need the message of the Lord will receive the message as crusades were scheduled. Father we trust you and know you will make it a reality. Praise be to you Father.
—Cathy Vitek
Prayers for Franklin and his crusade…do not be discouraged!
—Deborah Penick Capps
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