I recently returned from Ukraine after spending time with Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains and Samaritan’s Purse teams from the U.S. ministering on the ground. The situation in this country is heartbreaking. I witnessed so much suffering, grief, and hopelessness—but I also saw the power of the Gospel at work in the hearts of men, women, and children.
There’s no other message that can bring eternal hope in a literal war zone, and it was an honor to watch people share the “hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began” (Titus 1:2, ESV). Your prayers and support make this all possible, and we are humbled to see what God is doing in Ukraine—and around the world—through this ministry.
Easter Evangelism
While I was in Ukraine, I recorded a special Easter sermon celebrating our Lord’s resurrection. A Ukrainian choir made up of Christians from many different churches performed several powerful songs, and the program aired on Fox News, several other outlets, and even over the internet on Easter Sunday.
This program—along with my father’s final message, The Cross and The Resurrection; a new round of Gospel TV spots; and a special Good Friday livestream from my son Will—reached millions of people in North America and around the world. We’re grateful for each person who heard the Good News of Jesus Christ over the last few weeks. Please pray that many will come to “know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Philippians 3:10, NKJV).
Good News for the U.K.
As you read this, I’m getting ready to begin the God Loves You Tour in the United Kingdom.
Believers all across the U.K. have been preparing for these evangelistic events, and their excitement is such an encouragement—especially in a nation that has become so saturated by secularism.
The first stop is Liverpool, commonly known as one of the U.K.’s most religious cities. Sadly, for many
people there, religion is just a matter of tradition—without any real relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sheffield is home to a massive student population, many of whom come from countries largely closed to evangelism like Somalia, Yemen, and Pakistan. The other two cities on the tour are Newport, in Wales, and London.
It’s my prayer that people from every walk of life will attend the God Loves You Tour, listen to the Gospel with an open heart, and leave changed by the message of “redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24, ESV).
Thank you for your heart to share God’s love and truth in every corner of the world.
May God bless you,
Franklin Graham
A Time to Encourage our Law Enforcement Officers
Detective Tammy Watson has been a police officer for 26 years and a believer for even longer. But it wasn’t until this spring that she attended a Christian law enforcement retreat. “It was a pivotal experience in my life,” she told us.
She’s referring to the Canadian Law Enforcement Retreat that the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) recently hosted near Toronto. Afterward, as she drove an hour back to her home in Barrie, Ontario, she said she felt refreshed and encouraged.
Detective Watson serves on the Crimes Against Persons unit with the Barrie Police Service. She investigates cases of child and elder abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. With retirement on the horizon, she said the retreat “couldn’t have had better timing.”
Through her career, she has experienced the unique challenges and pressures faced every day by our law enforcement officers. In our culture, policing can be a thankless, life-threatening calling. Through appreciation dinners and retreats, BG-RRT offers officers and their spouses the opportunity to come away to a safe place and be renewed.
“This retreat made me think about where my place is and what God wants me to do,” she shared. Plus,
“The worship and the music were spectacular!” Insightful speakers discussed the challenges families face, shared Biblical wisdom, and offered valuable instruction on surviving and thriving in the law enforcement world.
“I was saved when I was a young girl, but my road was rocky for many years,” Tammy explained. These days she is in a better place spiritually and added that James 1:19 has helped her cope with her challenging role. “That verse inspires me to listen well and to be slow to anger,” she said, referencing the many painful situations she has witnessed.
The retreat was an opportunity for her to take a step back from it all. “It’s a good time to reflect and be with God,” she said.
Will you pray for the next Canadian Law Enforcement Retreat in Alberta, Oct. 30–31, 2022?
If you or someone you know works in law enforcement, we invite you to visit BillyGraham.ca/RRT to learn more and to register.
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