Dear Friend,
I’ve just finished preaching in Kraków, Poland, where the Lord did a mighty work. Before the God Loves You Tour event, journalists in the city bluntly asked me why I wanted to share the Gospel there in Poland’s City of Churches.
While it may be filled with historic cathedrals, so many of its residents believe that following a set of rituals will make them right with God. My answer to the media was simple: only a relationship with Jesus Christ can do that—and we praise God that more than 730 people made life-changing decisions for Him during the event.
Almost 200 buses brought people to the TAURON Arena Kraków from all across the region—as far as eight hours away—from the far north of Poland to the Czech Republic in the west. And some of the first buses to arrive came all the way from Ukraine! Hundreds of churches spread the word about the tour, and many evangelical denominational leaders helped prepare for this massive outreach. By the time I began preaching, more than 13,000 men, women, and children had filled the arena. After sharing the Gospel message, I invited all those who wanted to “confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11, ESV) to come forward.

Nyasha* was among the hundreds who boldly walked to the front. The 25-year-old college student had seen an ad for the God Loves You Tour and asked her friend to attend with her. Nyasha is new to
Poland after moving from Zimbabwe just a few months ago—and when her friend turned her down, she was worried about attending alone. She came anyway and listened closely to the Good News. The Holy Spirit worked in Nyasha’s heart and mind, and she prayed to place her faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
“I feel light, I feel free,” she said afterward. “I need Jesus in my life.” One of our prayer volunteers gave Nyasha a new Bible and invited her to attend church with her the following Sunday. Please join us in praying for her—and for every person who made a life-changing decision for the Lord in Kraków. Right now, hundreds of churches are working hard to follow up with these brothers and sisters. Ask God to strengthen them as they minister too.
While I was in Poland, I went to Auschwitz, where more than 1.3 million people were deported during the Holocaust—and most of these were Jews who were later killed there. As I stood in the chamber where men, women, and children were executed years ago, I thought about the alarming recent rise of antisemitism. The same evil that led to these atrocities is thriving in the world today. The only solution to the depravity of the human heart is the transforming power of the Gospel. I’m grateful for every opportunity the Lord gives me to continue proclaiming His truth—and for believers like you who make this ministry possible.

Before the God Loves You Tour in Kraków, our Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains hosted God’s Hope in Crisis trainings for local pastors.
This training is designed to equip Christians—leaders and laypeople—to share the love of Jesus Christ with people suffering in times of crisis. Over the last two years, our chaplains have helped equip many pastors in Poland to teach their congregations about what to say—and not say—to their hurting loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers. Please pray with us that God will embolden all those who attended to faithfully share His love in the wake of tragedy.
BG-RRT chaplains have also been working hard at home to share God’s love with hurting people—including those in Burnsville, Minnesota, where two law enforcement officers and a firefighter were shot and killed during a domestic dispute. While at a makeshift memorial for the officers, a couple of chaplains met a group of four friends. When the conversation turned to faith, they all admitted they didn’t know the Lord—and had never heard the Gospel. By the time the chaplains had finished talking, all four were in tears. They each prayed with “repentance that leads to salvation without regret” (2 Corinthians 7:10, ESV). In the following days, a local Bible-teaching church followed up with the four friends so they can grow closer to the Lord.
As part of our ministry to law enforcement, we are hosting several upcoming weekend retreats. These special times are designed to renew and encourage officers and their spouses through fellowship, worship, and teaching from God’s Word.
As I write, my son Will is preparing to preach the Good News in Porto, Portugal. Like Kraków, many people in this city call themselves Christians—but for the vast majority, it is just a cultural identity. Will you pray that men, women, and children from all over this city will “be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3, ESV) during the Celebration? So far, more than 2,000 believers from more than 100 churches have trained to pray with those who want to make a decision for Jesus Christ. Please pray for these individuals too. Ask God to give them wisdom and boldness as they share His truth.
Thank you for your commitment to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with a broken, hurting world. You are critical to this evangelistic ministry, and I thank God for you.
May God richly bless you,
Franklin Graham
President & CEO
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
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