As the old year passes into the history books, how will it be remembered? One aspect that seems to stand out is the battles that were fought, lost and won. The battles in Libya. The battle for Mosul and Ramadi in Iraq. The battle for Ukraine. The battle for Damascus, Syria. The ongoing battles in Afghanistan. Battles against knife-wielding terrorists in Jerusalem, and gun-shooting terrorists in Paris. Battles against illegal immigration. Against drug cartels. Cultural battles. Racial battles. Political battles.
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But the real battle … the fiercest, most significant battle … has been, and still is being, fought in the spiritual realm. It’s the ancient battle between good and evil, light and darkness, the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. It’s a battle that we enter when we pray …
Note: The Man dressed in linen described in 10:4-6 is the pre-incarnate Son of God. He is not the same messenger as described in the rest of this chapter.
Daniel 10:1-3
• Give at least one highlight of Daniel’s prayer life from each of these chapters: Daniel 1, 2, 5, 6.
• Do you think Daniel was a man who knew how to get answers to his prayers? Give chapter and verse on which to base your answer.
• Who was involved in the battle of Daniel 10? See verses 1-2.
• What were the reasons for the battle in Daniel 10? See verses 1 and 12-13.
• From the following verses, describe others who personally battled in prayer: Habakkuk 1:2-3, John 11:1-6, Matthew 15:21-23.
• From the above verses, how did God’s silence affect each one praying? Habakkuk 2:1; Matthew 15:25-28; John 11:17-27. What did each one of these people have in common as they battled in prayer?
• How did God honor their perseverance in prayer? Read Habakkuk 2:2-3, Matthew 15:25-28 and John 11:38-44.
• Describe a time when you were desperate for an answer to your prayer, but God seemed silent. How did you respond? What has been the outcome?
Daniel 10:4-11
• Describe the roller coaster of emotions Daniel experienced in 10:4-11.
• From the following verses, list some of the emotions we may experience in the battle: 2 Timothy 1:4-8, Galatians 6:9, Matthew 26:40-46, Revelation 1:10-17.
• What does Habakkuk teach us about our emotions? Read Habakkuk 3:16-18.
• How does the Apostle Paul address this from prison? See Philippians 4:4-7.
• Which of the emotions referred to in the above verses have you also experienced in prayer? Instead of being a sign that something’s “wrong,” could they be an indication you have been in a spiritual battle?
• Who do you think the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece were? (See verses 12 and 20.) Give descriptions of our invisible enemy from: Isaiah 14:12-15; 1 Peter 5:8, John 8:44; Ephesians 6:11, 16; Revelation 12:9; 20:2.
• When we pray, what insight does the Apostle Paul give us concerning the invisible battle? Read Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.• Who was Michael, mentioned in 10:13 and 11:1? Daniel 12:1, Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:7.
• Who do you think the messenger could have been in 10:10-11:1? Read Daniel 8:16, Luke 1:11-20, 1:26-38.
• What insight does this give you about prayer?
• What encouragement does this give you in prayer?
Daniel 10:15-21
• What was Daniel’s prayer? Read 10:12.
• Did Daniel receive the answer to his prayer? See Daniel 10:14, 10:18-11:1.
• In addition to the answer, what else did Daniel receive? Read 10:18-19.
• What encouragement do you receive from: Psalm 34:7? Zechariah 4:6? Luke 10:17? Ephesians 1:18-21? 1 John 4:4? 5:4-5? Revelation 5:11-14? 20:10?
After decades of praying, I still seem to wrestle in prayer. It can be so hard! My experience confirms that prayer is not just preparation for life’s battles. Prayer is the battle.
So this is my New Year’s resolution. I refuse to give up or give in to the enemy. I will persevere in prayer until I am confirmed God has heard and Heaven has been moved. And regardless of what the answers to my prayers are, I will choose to rejoice in the Sovereign Lord. D © 2015 ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ
Anne Graham Lotz has proclaimed God’s Word worldwide for more than 30 years. Her re-release of Heaven, My Father’s House, is available at annegrahamlotz.org.
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