You’re reading part 3 of the six-week Summer Soul Refresher series from BGEA.
Part 1: Whatever is true
Part 2: Whatever is honorable
Part 4: Whatever is pure
Part 5: Whatever is lovely
Part 6: Whatever is commendable
“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just …”
This week, we pause to think about “whatever is just” from Philippians 4:8.
Know that first and foremost, God is just. He is impartial. And He judges fairly—even when we can’t see the bigger picture, and the world around us seems to be unraveling.
God sees His faithful children, and He isn’t necessarily blessing those who shun Him. He is simply moving in His timing. Remember Deuteronomy 32:4, which declares, “The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulnessand without iniquity, just and upright is he.”
So if we’re thinking on “whatever is just,” we must trust that God’s work is perfect, His ways are just and unbiased (Romans 2:11). His approach also embodies righteousness and sincerity—two more synonyms etymologists use to fully define the word “just.”
Righteousness should radiate from our daily lives as we live before God and others (2 Corinthians 8:21). That means joyfully serving even the most difficult person in your life (Hebrews 6:10).
It also means standing against injustice, wherever it exists—including in the lives of persecuted Christians. At the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington, D.C., Franklin Graham said, “We have a responsibility to speak out for our brothers and sisters in the faith that are undergoing persecution.”
Finally, seeking justice and righteousness means sincerely praying for those in authority even when you disagree with their policies and practices (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Walking justly is not easy, but that’s what turns the believer into a beacon for Jesus Christ. Billy Graham once said, “Unless men of purpose, integrity and faith stand together in unswerving loyalty to Jesus Christ, the future of the world is dark indeed.”
Explore the following resources to help you live justly:
Trust God is just:
>>God will deal with evil in this world in His time. Learn more.
>>Find hope in knowing the God of justice.
Unlock the mystery of justice.
>>Why does God need to punish us for sin? Read about God’s wrath and atonement.
Commit to being a person of integrity.
>>“God has called us to be salt and light in the midst of a corrupt and dark world,” Billy Graham explains in this My Answer post.
>>Consider a plan for your life as you review the BGEA’s Modesto Manifesto.
Resolve to leave a legacy of righteousness.
>>Choose to hunger for righteousness as you read and share this devotion.
Prepare for anticipated resistance.
>>“Why Must the Righteous Suffer?”: A devotional thought from Billy Graham.
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