You’re reading part 2 of the six-week Summer Soul Refresher series from BGEA.
Part 1: Whatever is true
Part 3: Whatever is just
Part 4: Whatever is pure
Part 5: Whatever is lovely
Part 6: Whatever is commendable
We’ve all done it at some point—allowed negative thoughts to affect how we view or treat someone else.
Thinking highly of others and less of ourselves isn’t always easy, but it’s Biblical and necessary for a healthy walk with Christ.
As we continue to dive into Philippians 4:8, focusing our thoughts on things of God, let’s look at what it takes to think on “whatever is honorable.”
In the Bible, honor means to respect, esteem or “give weight to.”
We’re instructed to honor our parents (Matthew 19:19) and children (Matthew 18:2-6); to give “double honor” to pastors and church leaders (1 Timothy 5:17); to be wives who honor and respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33) and husbands who “give honor” to their wives (1 Peter 3:7). More than this, believers are commanded to honor God and separate ourselves from what’s dishonorable in order to be used by Him (2 Timothy 2:21).
Honor is about serving and respecting others. It requires humility, integrity and a constant pursuit of righteousness.
Let these resources help you honor others and keep thoughts of respect and esteem:
“Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together.”
>> Read and share Billy Graham’s daily devotion about integrity.
Is a broken relationship stopping you from giving honor to someone?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answers on making amends and getting along with others.
Sometimes we confuse bad thoughts with good intentions.
>> Read Billy Graham’s warning about confusing evil for good.
Billy Graham reminds us, “God will satisfy the hunger and thirst of those who desire His righteousness.”
>> Learn more in this daily devotion, “Satisfied by Righteousness.”
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