Skillet’s electrifying music echoes message of hope

Before Skillet’s exhilarating music filled Duvall-Rosier Field in Fairmont, West Virginia, something more powerful than Christian hard rock happened Saturday night.

More than 1,800 people listened to Will Graham preach on John 3:16, a familiar verse that holds a life-changing message—the Gospel.

“I want to talk to you about the greatest news you’ve ever received,” the evangelist shared.

“When I was about seven years old, my Dad told me about Jesus,” Graham explained. But his Christian upbringing alone did not make him a Christ follower.

“Just because I go into a garage, it doesn’t make me a car,” he explained further. “For some of you today, you know about God but you don’t know Him personally.”

Finding Strength in the Scriptures

Thirteen-year-old Angelina said Will Graham was describing her. She didn’t have a personal relationship with Christ and felt led to invite Him into her life.

“I struggle a lot,” the teen shared as she stood next to prayer volunteer Linda Click.

Click told Angelina, “When I need something, I go to the Bible.” The volunteer explained that Scripture is how we access God’s power and strength to face every challenge that comes our way.

Skillet’s lead vocalist, John Cooper, echoed that advice when his band took the stage later.

“When you stand on the Word of God, you are on a rock that cannot be shaken,” Cooper shared with fans crowding the stage. “The Word of God lives and stands forever.

“There’s a lot of people struggling right now,” he continued. “Maybe tonight is your night to surrender your life to Jesus Christ.”

Answering God’s Call

For Capri, it was her night to rededicate her life to Jesus.

The young attendee explained, “I have been praying every night to be connected to God.”

She felt God answered her prayers through Saturday’s Gospel invitation. Capri walked down front with her aunt, who brought her to the event.

Capri said for people her age, giving your life to Christ is “the easiest, but seems like the hardest [decision].”

Committing to the Lord as a Family

Will Graham also spoke to parents in need of a fresh start: “Moms and dads, we need a Christian home. Rededicate your life and marriage to Jesus Christ, and He can change your home.”

That is exactly what Jared McCray needed to hear. He walked down front with his son, Jade, and daughter, Adalena, to dedicate their family to Christ. Jade was particularly eager to celebrate by listening to Skillet perform.

The rock band closed the eventful evening with their Gospel-centered music exploding through the speakers.

“The One who died on a cross to set us free, He is our Lord, He is our Savior, He is our Hero,” Cooper said before striking the first cord of their hit song, “Hero.”

But even Skillet’s music vibrating through the stadium was no comparison to the powerful work of God changing lives at the Mountain State Celebration.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” —Romans 1:16, ESV

See photos from this evangelistic outreach in West Virginia.