I recently returned home from an evangelistic outreach in Moldova, a former Soviet republic that borders Ukraine. It’s known as one of the poorest nations in Europe, and it’s seen a massive influx of refugees since the beginning of the invasion in 2022.
As the conflict rumbles nearby, Moldova itself has faced threats of attack and attempts to throw everything into chaos. Many live with the nagging fear that their country could be next.
Into the darkness of this bleak situation, we proclaimed the light of Jesus Christ in the capital city of Chişinău during the Celebration of Hope. This outreach came 18 years (almost to the day) after my father, Franklin Graham, preached the Gospel in the same city.
For two nights in the city’s main arena, I shared with more than 19,000 in attendance the Good News of the Gospel: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, NKJV). I explained that this is the greatest news they will ever hear—Jesus loves them so much He died for them, took their punishment on the cross, and conquered the grave. Now they can turn from their sin and spend eternity with Him.

As I gave the invitation to respond in repentance and receive Christ as Savior, one of the first to walk forward was Lesea,* a Ukrainian refugee. Because she doesn’t have official documentation, she is currently unable to move on from Moldova to another part of Europe. While this would make some people feel trapped, Lesea feels like it’s a blessing and the will of God. “I feel like I was supposed to be here,” she said through an interpreter. “When Will called, it felt like he was calling me to the front. I’m very happy.”
Lesea beamed as she explained that she was giving her life to Christ. “Imagine—right now I’m in a foreign country, and I have no documents,” she said. “But I have a place to stay, food to eat, and a job. You can tell that’s a miracle. And now I have Jesus! Jesus loves me, and I love Him too!”
Will you join me in praying for Lesea and the hundreds more who made decisions for Christ in Chişinău? Their circumstances have not changed. They still live in a very volatile part of the world, but today they are facing their realities from a new perspective as children of God.
Is this world a dark place? Indeed. The people of Moldova know that well. But we serve a great Savior—“the light of the world” (John 8:12, ESV)—who continues to redeem, even in this late hour.
Your partnership is helping to proclaim Christ and Him alone to searching souls near and far, “so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith” (Acts 26:18, ESV). We are eternally grateful for you.
God bless,
Will Graham
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team – Zambia
On the other side of the globe, we recently held our Sharing Hope in Crisis training in Lusaka, Zambia. The seminar, which was attended by more than 1,300 pastors and church members, was the largest ever since we began offering the course in 2008. The very next day we held a second session for government officials, military personnel, and national police members.
Sharing Hope in Crisis was developed from our Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplain training, and it equips Christians to minister to their friends, family, and neighbors who are in the midst of grief or tragedy.
Next month, three Canadian chaplains will be in Guatemala to equip members of a Christian outreach ministry to serve their community during crisis situations. The chaplains will spend two days teaching Sharing Hope in Crisis and God’s Hope in Crisis courses, then provide support as the newly equipped leaders spend six days teaching others what they’ve just learned.
We praise God for the difference this training is making in so many lives across the globe. In Zambia, one leader who attended our training told us, “I have been in the ministry since 1986 … however, I had not encountered the Word of God in the way it was shared on how to handle trauma. The [teaching] opened my eyes to see the need not fully met in the church.”
Another pastor asked for more materials, so he could return home and teach what he learned to each person in his congregation.
Will you lift up these fellow believers and ask God to use them in a powerful way as they
comfort the hurting around them?
Look Up Tour – Thompson Okanagan
Marilyn was among the first to attend the Christian Life and Witness Course being taught across British Columbia’s Thompson-Okanagan region this fall. “I’m here because I want to share Jesus,” she said.
She is joining hundreds of believers who are being equipped and encouraged to share their faith as the Look Up Tour with Will Graham approaches in October. “The course helps alleviate the mystery of evangelism,” said Bryan, another believer whose church hosted the first Christian Life and Witness training. “It helps people realize they can do it.”
“I’ve been nervous about not having the right answers when sharing Jesus,” Marilyn shared. “I think I’ve made it too complicated. I can start with Jesus’ love.”
Marilyn surrendered her life to Jesus Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in London, England. She attended because of the influence of a Christian doctor in her life and the invitation of a local church.

Today, Marilyn is praying for her children and grandchildren who need Jesus. She is inviting them to join her as Will Graham preaches the Gospel in Kelowna on Oct. 15—along with stops in Kamloops, Oct. 13, and Vernon, Oct. 14.
Renee also attended the training and has already seen God work through prayer. At a Look Up Tour event earlier this year, she and a colleague wrote the names of two children “who needed Jesus in a very big way,” Renee said.
The boy and girl attend an after-school outreach at her church. As Renee and others prayed this summer, both children received Jesus as their Savior. “Their hearts were open,” Renee shared.
“So, I encourage you—pray. There is such power in prayer.”
Will you join believers in Thompson-Okanagan in praying that countless hearts will be open to the Gospel?
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