As New Brunswick homeowners deal with the damage wrought by the worst flooding in at least 40 years, God is putting crisis-trained Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains into their lives.
Donations from people like you have enabled us to deploy four chaplains in the Fredericton area. They are accompanying volunteers from Samaritan’s Purse, our sister organization. Those volunteers are cleaning up flooded homes and preparing them for repair, all at no cost to the homeowners.
At one home, chaplains were visiting for the second time and were blessed to find one of the owners on the property. Not only was their basement flooded by the overflowing Saint John River, but so was the first floor.
The Samaritan’s Purse team had just finished their work and presented the wife with a Billy Graham Bible signed by all the volunteers.
“She was a little emotional at receiving the Bible and that’s when Steve, my chaplain partner, offered to share our Steps to Peace with God booklet,” said chaplain Gordon Pontifex. “As he walked her through it, she was nodding in agreement and when he asked if she’d like to pray a prayer of salvation, she said yes.”
When the prayer ended and the woman knew she would spend eternity with Jesus Christ, Gordon reported, “there were smiles and tears from her.” And as the Samaritan’s Purse team was still nearby, the chaplains shouted the good news to them and they rushed over to congratulate her.
“I was very happy to see someone come to salvation,” said Gordon, who was thrilled to see the Lord transforming lives through him and the other chaplains.
Before they left, Gordon took time to guide the woman to where she should start reading her new Bible, starting with the Gospel of Luke because “it has more in it about women than any other Gospel.”
As this vital Kingdom work continues, you can be part of what God is doing through your donations and prayers. Please link arms with us so together, we can show hurting people that “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble” (Nahum 1:7, ESV).
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