“The whole world needs this—we’re just the lucky ones who got it.”
Hans Devries spoke these words recently after he and more than 650 others crowded into a Belleville, ON, church for the launch of the Quinte Celebration of Hope with Will Graham.
The mid-March event kicked off eight months of prayer gatherings, worship events, and evangelism and discipleship training sessions. All of this will culminate on Oct. 4-6 at CAA Arena in Belleville (about two hours’ drive east of Toronto) with music, testimonies, children’s activities, and Gospel presentations by Will Graham.
Lorne Pritchett, co-chairman of the 2018 Avalon (Newfoundland) Celebration of Hope, was the guest speaker at the launch in Belleville. He followed up on Hans’ words by encouraging everyone to make the most of the Celebration opportunity in the Quinte region.
“This ministry can help you sharpen your focus on the Gospel,” said Lorne, a Salvation Army pastor. “Church leaders—I know you’re busy, but get on board now. At the end of the day, you will tell me that it’s been one of the best experiences of your life. If you believe in the harvest, then get involved.”
Communities coming together
Quinte Celebration co-chairman Kevin Dowling told the crowd how inspired he was while attending the Avalon Celebration’s main event in St. John’s last October. “The Christian community came together in a tremendous way in Newfoundland,” he said. “There was no sense of ‘what’s in it for me?’”

The Quinte region needs the Celebration, said Odette Oliver, while attending the launch event: “We need revival and this is what’s going to do it—bring people back into the church.”
If you know anyone in the Quinte region (including Trenton, Brighton, Napanee, Picton, Carrying Place, Stirling, and Deseronto), please tell them about the Celebration and encourage them and their churches to participate, including through the upcoming evangelism training sessions in April and May. Lives are waiting to be changed by the Gospel, which is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16, ESV).
Learn about the Quinte Celebration of Hope
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