The Afters have performed at many BGEA events both at home and abroad, always giving a spirited performance that keeps the crowd engaged. Lead singer Josh Havens often takes moments to share the message behind their lyrics. “There’s going to be revival in Kalgoorlie!” “What is the greatest resource in Western Australia?” Will Graham asked the crowd on Saturday, adding that “gold” was not the correct answer. “Time is the greatest natural resource that you and I have,” he continued. “It’s the most precious commodity in the world. Scientists are not discovering more time.”“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” —Romans 15:13The three-day event began with the opening act Skypilot, a rock band from Queensland.“This is going to be more life changing than the royal wedding,” Will Graham said, assuring those who walked forward that starting new with Christ has changed them forever.These guys decided to walk down together to rededicate their lives to Christ on Saturday night.For the past year, much prayer has gone into putting the Goldfields Celebration together. Many are believing for true revival in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder area.Day two of the Goldfields Celebration started with the KidzCelebration, a fun-filled evangelism event for youth.The KidzCelebration also included a message of hope from Will Graham.Face painting was a hit at the KidzCelebration.“Jesus is the answer! Remember that,” Linden Brownley (in orange) of the Brownley Gospel Singers said before the family group left the stage. Linden spent time with Will Graham a few days before the Celebration, showing him the history of Kalgoorlie’s Aboriginal community.Joining in prayer after making the greatest decision.“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” —2 Corinthians 5:17By the end of the afternoon, 100 people had made a decision to accept Christ at the KidzCelebration.“Are you ready to give an account of the time you’ve spent here?” Will Graham asked those listening.From generation to generation.Hands were joyfully raised in worship following an upbeat song led by Rob Scott and a 40-plus member choir. “It’s fun when we can worship together as churches,” said Will, who once served as a pastor himself. “We have more in common than we do differences.”“I know some of you don’t have the same type of [family] memories that I have. Your home is different,” Will said, speaking on what the Bible teaches about family. “But God wants to restore today.”A woman cries as her family is restored. “One of the things that I love about the Graham family is the way that the Good News had been carried down from generation to generation,” Steve Grace said earlier in the evening.During the final day of the Goldfields Celebration, Will Graham preached twice—once for a morning church service and again in the evening. Much of the small town of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, came, as both services were packed.These motorcyclists carrying “Yeshua” flags attended the morning “Church Together” service, which was the day after the royal wedding. Coincidentally, Will’s message talked about family and relationships. “When you have God in your marriage, in your family—you see how God can come in and restore and change people’s hearts.”Young people “light up the sky” as The Afters perform their popular song with that name.After Steve Grace and SkyPilot sang “Been Away a Long Time,” they reminded the crowd that no matter how long you’ve been away from the Lord, it’s never too late to turn to Him.A prayer volunteer goes before the Lord on behalf of a man who made a decision for Christ.“My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed.” —Psalm 71:23 (ESV)The Afters put on a lively show, inviting kids from the audience to dance with them on stage, throwing out their drumsticks and high-fiving several people in the crowd.During the final service, Will preached about the prodigal son in Luke 15. “God sees you. He sees the pit you’re in,” Will said. “God is running to you tonight.” He encouraged anyone watching to come to Christ.The Will Graham Celebration was a family event that changed some families forever.Although Western Australia is sometimes compared to the Wild West, gentle surrender took place in Centennial Park on Sunday evening.The Goldfields Celebration with Will Graham began Friday night in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The historic town is along the edge of the desert and is known for having one of the richest goldmines in the world called the “Super Pit.” With many people in the trenches of immorality and unsatisfied with their lives, Will Graham’s message on purpose hit home. He joked that he would continue on in his unless he was bit by one of Australia’s poisonous spiders.“Our one purpose is to know Jesus,” Will Graham said at the Celebration. Many came forward to fulfill their purpose, rededicating or giving their lives to the Lord for the first time. After the event, two women joyfully called a friend saying, “We’re crying our eyes out.”The Afters gave an energetic performance, even inviting nearly a dozen children to join them on stage for a song.Despite the chilly weather as winter approaches in Australia, many hearts were warmed in worship.A man talks with a prayer volunteer about his decision for Christ. Several participants who chose to follow Christ couldn’t wait for Will Graham to finish the invitation. While he was still talking, they excitedly began hugging volunteers who were nearby to help.Using a pen as an illustration, Will Graham asked the audience, “What is the purpose of a pen?” A young girl who sat down front became exasperated with Will, trying to help show him how to use a pen correctly. Will explained how a pen is useless on its own—it only works when it’s in its master’s hands, the same as us.Young people crowded around the stage to be close to the bands, enjoying the memorable evening. Will Graham mentioned his own children while speaking, saying he plans to give them Tim Tams, an Australian biscuit, when he returns to the U.S. Will shared just as he will offer his kids a free gift, Christ offers everyone the free gift of eternal life.