Photo Gallery: Chaplains Sharing Love of Christ in Fort McMurray

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplain Wanda Burchert speaks to Fort McMurray resident Martyn, whose home was destroyed. She prayed for him and Samaritan’s Purse volunteers supplied him with a Bible.

Chaplains Circle

Every day in Fort McMurray started with chaplains (in blue shirts) gathering to pray with Samaritan’s Purse volunteers.


Chaplains were blessed to pray with Dana Allen, Fort McMurray’s assistant deputy chief of operations.

Fort Mcmurray Chaplains

Homeowners Stella and Harry, whose home south of Fort McMurray was torched in the wildfire, speak with a pair of chaplains.

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Accompanied by chaplain Ray Sider, Fort McMurray resident Brenna identifies items found by Samaritan’s Purse volunteers in the burned remains of her home.

Fort Mcmurray Chaplains2

Stella welcomed the presence of Rapid Response Team chaplain at the remains of her home south of Fort McMurray.


Sheri and Bill had company from chaplain Michael Glassey as Samaritan’s Purse volunteers sifted through the ashen remains of their home, looking for anything that survived the fire.

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team exists because of BGEA’s faithful donors. If you would like to give to the Rapid Response Team to help send crisis-trained chaplains to minister to hurting communities, you can make a secure donation from your computer or mobile device.