Struggling with parents’ divorce, young girl asks for Jesus’ help
During the pandemic, it’s easy to forget that people are struggling with everyday life issues, too.
During the pandemic, it’s easy to forget that people are struggling with everyday life issues, too.
In His final days on earth, Jesus told His followers that the world would recognize them by their love, unity and good deeds.
Tani Adewumi, now 10 years old, came to the U.S. with his family in 2017. They were seeking religious asylum after being threatened by Boko Haram in Nigeria. Tani learned to play chess at his school in New York City, and what happened next was more than he could have ever imagined.
"We cannot grow weary."
Nova Scotia resident Ron Seney turned his life's focus to ministry work after attending the 1979 Billy Graham Crusade in Halifax.
“…The child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.” —Luke 1:35, ESV
A poem by Ruth Bell Graham.
>Individually and as the Body of Christ, we are being tested and pressured. Will we lose heart and fall away or persevere in faith?
If you don’t know what you can give to the One who has everything, try asking Him what He would like for His birthday. And listen closely.
Have you repented?