Cissie Graham Lynch: The church must show the world unity
In her latest Fearless podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch took time to answer the question from a Biblical perspective, challenging the church to be the ultimate example of unity.
In her latest Fearless podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch took time to answer the question from a Biblical perspective, challenging the church to be the ultimate example of unity.
“We are being built together to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. We need to gather to do that.”
Your prayers and gifts are bringing hope to the Middle East.
Be inspired by how Canadian lives are being changed in the midst of the pandemic.
“Where is your loving Heavenly Father now?”
Throughout the pandemic, men and women from countries all over the world have been clicking on Peace With God websites in six languages. Many of them have discovered Jesus or grown closer to Him.
Church may look different, but meaningful connection can still take place. Here are three things to keep in mind when it comes to fellowship—and practical ways you can be more intentional.
To know the full blessing of the praying life, we need to pray at the right time
Change that results in peace, hope, joy and love
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We're made in God's image, and His law is on our hearts